momijizukamori: (Riff)
Sollux ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2005-08-22 01:03 am
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Argh, Insomnia.

I have to be up for school in six hours, and I can't sleep. This is so very very typical. A random thought - why is it so hard to find good Final Fantasy fic? Maybe it's all just hiding from me.

Belated garden update - all weeded, and I swept stairs for a few hours, too. Go me.

Also, some random amusement - down next to my local video store, there is a 'Crowley's Package Store' (For non-New Englanders, a package store is basically a liquor store. Why they call them that, I don't know, but they do). Stupid, but it amused me anyway.

...And I feel really...abandoned right now. It's just a combination of a million and one little things coming together right now, most notabley the sense that it may be really, truly over this time. I'll probably feel better in the morning, but right now I mostly just feel like crying.

Also, is LJ displaying funny for everybody today, or is it just me?

EDIT: Oh, for the love there some unwritten law of the universe that I must have miserable friend problems around the start of school? Because this the fourth year running. (On the plus-side, now I'm more annoyed than upset.)

...And the LJ issue appears to have something to do with my new AdBlock installation. Will deal with it later.

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