momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
But now...for my greatest trick... ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2005-12-29 05:09 pm

(no subject)

Thank God for internet cafes - means I actually got to check my e-mail here in Mexico. Got in yesterday - plane-flight was uneventful except for the man that had a bit of a panic attack, one of the flight attendants looked like Rude (sans sunglasses), and the weather here is beautiful. Unfortunately Cozumel is very much a tourist town so everybody on the island is trying to sell you something, it seems. We went snorkeling, though, this morning, which was nice. I've also been writing even more, because apparently being on vacation is good for my inspiration. Or something. Even wrote President Shinra-fic, although amusingly I still haven't picked out a name for him or his wife.

Anyway, here's aforementioned Christmas fic while I've got access. Warnings for shameless fluff (I <3 fluff) and the fact that the closets this has been to beta'd is me re-reading it several times. But it's probably got a little something for everyone - Christmas for all of my characters.

Reno tears through his presents, and moves on to bugging the more methodical Rude, while Elena giggles. On the sofa at the far side of the room, Tseng rolls his eyes good naturedly, and Rufus allows himself to relax for a moment, and leans in to the other man's warmth.
Sparda laughs as he lifts the more rambunctious of his four-year-old sons up to place the angel on top of the tree. The other clings to his leg, admiring their work with wide, quiet eyes. Eva stands back a little and smiles as she watches her family - happy, together.
Their tree is more like a coatrack than anything actually living, but real trees are too expensive in Midgar, so Ally and Jey had made this one out of scrap metal and wood. Jey and Damien, the tallest, have been comissioned to wrap the lights around as the others hang ornaments. Asher laughs and bats away Ally as she tries to tickle him, and Naomi gives an amused little sigh as she and Sam go through the boxes. It isn't much, but it's _their's_.
Isaac unwraps his gift under the little tree in their apartment, and blushes and grins when he see what it is. Raphael smiles his little secret smile, pleased to know he he had chosen well, before Isaac tackles him and pushes him under the mistletoe for a kiss.
A holiday dinner for two in Tokyo. Seishirou talks animately of nothing in particular, while Subaru pokes at his food. He feels guilty for coming, being here, but is secretly glad he's not spending Christmas alone again.
Clow watches the fire from his armchair. Outside, the wind howls and blows the snow in giant drifts, but in here, it is quiet and warm. Keroberos is curled up at his feet, asleep, the Christmas feast enough to satisfy even his appetite. Yue dozes in the chair next to him, feet tucked up, and his head slipping down to rest on Clow's shoulder.
Braska whirls his six-year-old daughter around before catching her up for a tight hug and kiss on the forehead. The food and presents are laid out, the candles are lit, and the festival of lights begins, to celebrate the birth of the new year. The time for mourning is past, and he will now live again, for Yuna.
Classes are out for the holidays, but there is two feet of snow on the ground, so Hamlet and Horatio spend Christmas at Wittenburg. Books put aside for the moment, they share a quiet meal in Hamlet's rooms, and they stay up late talking, before Hamlet finally bids Horatio good night with a gentle caress.

Notes : Turks bit is post-AC, Braska bit is the winter after his wife's death, DMC bit was supposed to be part of a longer Christmas fic but I couldn't pull it. I know Subaru is a little OOC, but I've never had a good grip on him.