momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
Sollux ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2006-04-15 12:25 am

Cars, Cyberpunk, and Star Wars

I totally forgot to mention the most dramatic bit of prom, which is that I got pulled over by the state police on the way home. Not for speeding or driving erraticly - I actually didn't even get asked if I had been drinking, and it was midnight and we had very clearly just come from a party. No, I got pulled over because one of my brake lights was out. At which point I learned that apparently my inspection sticker was invalid, because we didn't get the car re-inspected after we switched the registration from me to my grandmother. The trooper told me it could have been an $85 fine, but let me off with a warning. The car has now been re-inspected, and the bad bulb in the brake light has been replaced.

And I feel like something cyberpunky. Probably because I was shamelessly pimping Gibson at Josh the other day. Maybe I can dig up that bit I had about the cyberpunk ninja assassain, because despite how it sounds, I think it actually had some potential. Mmmm, OCs. I have actually learned to really like them - I blame Asher. Or I could just read Burning Chrome for the tenth time.

...Amberlee's post totally just reminded me that the Star Wars exhibit leaves Boston at the end of April, and I haven't seen it yet. This needs to be fixed. Possibly next weekend.

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