momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Sollux ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2006-09-29 11:37 pm
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Creative Frustrations

I really feel like doing something creative, but every time I try, I run up against some sort of block. Have a half-finished layout - I'm happy with what I've got so far, but it needs something more, and I can't figure out what; I'd like to do some RP, but I still have no one on AIM, and honestly, I don't have the energy a big LJ-based game takes; I have things I want to draw, but while my art is better than it was a year ago, it's still utter crap, and I can't move past that; I've got about a million and one half-finished story bits, mostly fic, although with a few Issac-Raphael bits, but I can't concentrate long enough to add anything coherent to any of them.

Argh. This is driving me up the wall. I don't want to get stuck in the rut of just doing school stuff all the time.