momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Sollux ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2007-03-07 07:26 pm
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Tastes Like Foreshadowing!

Almost twenty hours into DDS, just after the first set of stuff at Coordinate 136. There are actual plot spoilers this time, so, read at your own risk.

-Wow, Heat actually has emotions other than 'angry'! Amazing!
-Gale, however, has gone back to being Robo-Boy. Oh well.
-Cielo is not only a guy, he's Jamaican as well. Which makes about zero sense, and gives me the unfortunate sense that he may end up as this game's Wakka, ugh.
-Argilla = still totally freaking awesome. And dressing as Sera, ahaha.
-Sera actually had a moment of awesome there too, where she went all glowy and like...used Force Persuade on Mick or something. Seriously, sweet.
-Bat is becoming increasingly skeezy. Betraying _everybody_ is bad enough, but when you start saying things like 'I smell the Sera girl's scent here'...yeeeeah.
-Okay, Sera is obviously the princess - does this make Heat the evil prince and Serph the good prince? And does it make me a bad person to make jokes about Argilla being the good prince instead? She does have the wavy pink hair and all.
-Serph/Heat rivalsex, lol.
-My attempts at repressing what I know about the ending of this game are not working terribly well >.> Which takes a little of the suspense out of the plot points.

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