momijizukamori: (Default)
Sollux ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2004-01-01 12:45 am


Happy New Year, everyone! Well, at least by Eastern Standard west-coast buddies still have two and a half hours to go ^^ So, big important events of the year 2003:

-Actually kept a New Year's resolution! (To be a more outgoing and friendly ^^)

-Met a whole bunch of really, truly awesome people who I hope to be friends with for a while to come (aforementioned west-coast buddies, you know who you are ^^)

-Had my intrests in romance suddenly take root (Or hormones...either way, three crushes in one year is really not like me o.o)

-Got to meet a bunch of my awesome online friends in person (Ko! Rachel! Lisa! C! Ari! You guys all rock!)

-Got my braces off, finally! (Day before yesterday! w00t!)

And...that's it. I'm probably missing something, but oh well. I'm always missing something. I also haven't decided on a New Year's resolution, being that I actually kept one for once ^^ Shall decide tomorrow. And I'll put pictures of the First Night madness up ^^ Tons of fun, even if it was a bit cold. And now! Off to read good FF7 fic ^^

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