
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
2006-11-15 12:52 am

Gay For Virgil

Screw Bridget, all the poets are gay for Virgil. No, really - I think I may have found something that tops the shameless fanboy-ism of the Divine Comedy. Tennyson's 'To Virgil' - I think the title alone says it all.

Though I still claim Dante/Virgil OTP!

(Paper is done, yaaaay)
momijizukamori: (Default)
2006-11-15 08:09 pm
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Gaming Things

I am sad that I no longer have a Nocturne gaming-buddy - guess it's just me and GameFAQs now. Poking around the Fourth Kalpa at the moment - I've been playing Psychonauts some, but I'm determined to collect _everything_, which gets a bit mind-numbing.

Also, damn you Atlus. The Persona 2 reissue is, of course, already out of stock again - used copies are still pretty cheap, but now I'm waffling about it. Particularly as I also really really want a DS. And need a cellphone. And thus possibly a job that gives me hours sometimes.

EDIT: Also, this game is never going to make me stop quoting Good Omens. For instance -
Map label: 'The Road to Hell'
Me: "...is paved with frozen door-to-door salesmen!"