momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Lucifer is totally Hitoshura's sugar-daddy. Also possibly Dante's, although Dante would never admit it. Hikawa wishes he was Hitoshura's sugar-daddy, but he is neither rich nor classy enough (this thought brought to you by the intersection of Milton and Chaucer in my brain).

And some Devil Summoner stuff cut for mild spoilers (end of Ep 4):
Mm, taste like spoiler )
momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Well, my mom didn't totally flip when I mentioned staying in BC for the summer, which is good. Still need job, though.

And Megan inspired me to play a bit more Nocturne, so I picked up my Musubi save file (as I've got a bunch of side-quest things to finish before doing the True Demon one), and played some of that. Very minor spoilers for Tower of Kagutsuchi bosses, but I'll hide it anyway.

Ahh, Nocturne. You are so full of crack. )


Nov. 22nd, 2006 06:39 pm
momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Look, it's Ansem!

And why do I feel strangely compelled to read Hikawa's lines outloud in an Alfred-voice? 'Your prowness is simply astounding, mmmyes.'

And now a little Fifth Kalpa spoiler )
momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Dear Dante,
A demon hiring a demon-slayer is not the joke of the century. A demon hiring a half-demon demon-slayer is the joke of the century.

Also, yes, you have a crotch. We're all aware of this. You don't really need to draw even more attention to it with that gigantic skull...belt-buckle? I really don't know what that thing is, it's only purpose seems to be to draw attention to your package.


Also, stupid door, why won't you let me through? I have a demon with 25 strength (31, even). Is this not good enough for you? Do you really hate me that much?

And spoiler-filled thoughts on Hijiri.
momijizukamori: (Default)
I think I've figured out Hijiri's little mystery. More on that later. The Fifth Kalpa is really pretty - they definately put the art style to good use there.

And I feel I must indulge in a brief, cryptic bitter rant, just to get it out of my system: I hate double standards. I hate that what would be totally unacceptable from me is acceptable from her. I hate that certain fucking idiots are encouraging her, and I hate that there's not one damn thing I can do about it.

And that is all I have to say on the matter. Things will look better in the morning, after I've had some sleep - they always do. And there will be fun holiday things to post ^^
momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
I got through the end of the Fourth Kalpa the other day. While my last Nocturne post was spoiler-free, this one contains huge spoilers for the end of the Fourth Kalpa. You have been warned.

Onward! )
momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Pretty much spoiler-free, but cut anyway, because it will likely be long, and nobody cares. Well, Megan might, but nobody else does XD; I know seventy hours in is possibly a big late in the game, but eh, whatever. It was on my mind last night after the fire alarm, though.

Onward! )

momijizukamori: (Default)
I am sad that I no longer have a Nocturne gaming-buddy - guess it's just me and GameFAQs now. Poking around the Fourth Kalpa at the moment - I've been playing Psychonauts some, but I'm determined to collect _everything_, which gets a bit mind-numbing.

Also, damn you Atlus. The Persona 2 reissue is, of course, already out of stock again - used copies are still pretty cheap, but now I'm waffling about it. Particularly as I also really really want a DS. And need a cellphone. And thus possibly a job that gives me hours sometimes.

EDIT: Also, this game is never going to make me stop quoting Good Omens. For instance -
Map label: 'The Road to Hell'
Me: " paved with frozen door-to-door salesmen!"

Game List

Nov. 3rd, 2006 11:38 am
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Because kidavi inspired me - what I'm playing right now, and what I want to play, spoiler-free. Making lists, yay!

I <3 lists. And games )

...I mourn the period of my life where I just played Final Fantasy games. That was sad. And no, FF wasn't my introduction to video games - that honor goes to Zelda, which remains one of my favorite series of all time. Which is probably why action-adventure gameplay is my favorite.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Things I Have Learned Recently:
-I am too white for my kanji dictionary. Seriously, I can hear the Japanese language going 'Haha, stupid white girl' XD;
-Strawberries are motivational!
-I can fall asleep again after my neighbor's music wakes me up
-VNV Nation is strangely an excellent mood-lifter.

Things To Do Today:
-Fabric store
-Beat Aciel, the little bitch
-Buy tea
-Buy soba noodles
-Actually do English reading
-Finish Chem lab report
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
God, I am such a nerd. I am this close to staying up all night researching the Sephiroth, in part so I can examine how they relate to Nocturne (Hitoshura as Kingdom, and the presence of God on earth? Deep and meaningful, damnit!). Dante, interestingly, appears to be an extra one that isn't always used (Da'at/Daath), which definately makes sense in one context - he's the one that doesn't fit into the order of the others, although I have yet to investigate if it relates more directly to him.

And I realized that you don't actually fight the Fiends in the numerical order of the sephiroth/candelabra, I think - unfortunately the walkthrough I skimmed to compile a list of them only lists the name of the candelabrum you is, not the number you can get by looking at it in the item menu. I'm behind on that, though, so I'm going to try and keep track as I go - I can kind of guess from the names, but they don't use the most common translations, most of the time, liekly because it probably went Hebrew > Japanese > English, or possibly even Hebrew > English > Japanese > English, probably without super-close attention to these nuances because dude, it's a video game XD; But the Sephiroth aren't always traversed in order either, and the different paths taken have different meaning.

And Jo, I'll give you this much - your Aciel is a lot better-looking than Nocturne's. His teeth...wriggle. What the hell. Although the crown makes me think 'punk lolita', which is terribly amusing.
momijizukamori: (Ada/Leon)
Hikawa is so sketchy. The 80s suit, the receeding hairline, the really suggestive pose as he talks to you... Yeah, Hikawa totally wants Hitoshura's ass. Then again, though, who doesn't?
momijizukamori: (Default)
Why is it that the only people that hit on me are guys twice as old as I am? Seriously, this is getting a little annoying D:

And I wish that all my professors had contact info listed online, not just my Bio prof. Because I can get cheap tickets for Y-con, but I have to miss two days of classes because the bus schedule from Vancouver to Seattle is terrible - I thought the commuter rail schedule was bad, but oh man, this is worse. Or that they had syllabi online with important things like whether or not I will fail my English class if I miss the lecture twice, and when midterms are.

...May end up buying the tickets anyway; Southwest is really good about refunds.

Also, the internet has corrupted me horribly. When Futomimi starts talking about 'our motherland', my mind totally imagined him saying it like the Russians in the End of the World flash video, which is more like 'AHH MOTHERLAND!'

And now, self, you will take deep breaths and stop panicking about plane stuff. It will get done, even if you do end up having to pay five hundred bucks to Air Canada. Work on drawing shirtless!Asher more. Or putting together a resume so you can apply for that job you're looking at.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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