momijizukamori: (Default)
Wow, haven't posted in a while - life has been busy, and I still have no internet at home. Summer classes are over, although I don't know what my marks are yet - currently terrified I failed orgo, which is a distinct possibility because the final was what makes or breaks the grade, and I don't have the mark back yet. 77% in the lab, which is...well, not amazing, but not terrible either. I got rather trashed Friday night on coolers and a bunch of Jello shots, and ended up being very sick soon after, which was not my most glamorous moment. But Rayman for the Wii is lots of fun, and I had a great time up until the point where I got very sick, so in the end it was alright. And lastly, our D&D party looks to be short bus-special (I'm the halfling rogue. And the tank), and proving I have no sense of self-preservation, accepted a ride to work from a rich young woman in a black SUV who saw me running to the bus stop only to be ten seconds too late.

...I live a strange and sometimes wonderful life.

And a brief game story that I think people will still find funny even if they weren't there: Shadowrun has a contacts system for people the characters who have established relationships with, business or otherwise. Nick, Almighty GM 1, plays all the contacts and other NPCs, and is very good about giving them distinct personalities. Shiver, who hits on anything female, has a contact who's a stripper named Josie. He calls her for a favor, and much flirting ensues. Which leads to me and and Aaron trying not start laughing hysterically because it's not actually a hot female striper and a good-looking guy having this conversation, it's two nerdy 20-something guys.
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
One of the few things that can help salvage a day after only getting five hours of slee? Doing really well in orgo lab. It was recrystallizations, which I think are fun, personally. The first one took me three tries to get really good crystals out of, but the second, harder one? First try. The TA seemed impressed - he said most people can't get the purity and crystal quality I had right off. This will make work this afternoon a little more tolerable, I hope.

The five hours of sleep thing is my own fault, too....through a somewhat convoluted and not very interesting chain of events, Aaron (one of the other Shadowrun players) and I ended up heading over to our GM's house (he lives with the third Shadowrun player), around 8:30, and at that point, it was too late, and our GM was feeling too sick to run an RP that night, so we ended up playing the A Game of Thrones boardgame until around 12:15, as we lost track of time. Unfortunately, at that point, all the easy buses back to my place had stopped running, just leaving one of the night buses that ran every half an hour. Get on, ask the bus driver the best way to get back home and he says 'Get off at Granville and pick up the next bus coming down there, I have to cut through downtown first', so I do so. And then wait, and wait, and wait for the next bus, and when it finally comes - it's the same bus driver! Which made me rather unhappy after having waited in the cold outside for twenty minutes. But I got home, and got talked into joining another campaign, so it's all okay in the end.
momijizukamori: (Default)
-The Wargamers are significantly more bent than I previously thought
-Bacardi 151 tastes like burning
-Real porn is kind of boring
-Total straightness in a guy is a turn-off
-Watching very tall guys making out with very short guys is funny XD;

Yeah, so, we had a little mini-Wargamers party Friday night. It was, in short, made of awesome. I got more tongue in one evening than I have ever, pretty much.

Yesterday was a little bit more low-key - my dad is visiting, so I went and had dinner with him and we wandered around some. Right now, I am off to go to the movies with him, w00t.
momijizukamori: (Default)
-Tabletop RP
-See Rocky Horror, the whole she-bang (which means finding someone who's been to take me, I think)
-Learn Japanese
-Go clubbing
-Take part in real science - first year school labs = not cutting it here. (once I have some lab experience, ie, after first year labs are done, I am so volunteering to be a cleaning-bitch for someone in Microbi, because I really am that sad).
-Do something with my OCs, either fic or RP.
-Learn swordfighting.
-Become a better photographer.
-Have really fantastic sex.
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
So, I am totally in the coolest faculty on campus. Seriously, nobody else has a mascot or their own student building, or undergrad society presidents running around covered in blue greasepaint with the society initials shaved into their head. Also, we get to blow stuff up - the Arts kids had signs saying that Arts was better because it's bigger (never mind that we took up nearly half the gym), and I felt like we should totally have had signs saying 'Science: We Blow Stuff Up'. And I met people in my Bio class who seem at least decently interesting, and got good tips on stuff from our group leader, who's a third year Microbio major who wants to go to med school for the _right_ reasons.

They did the academic procession of all the deans and head faculty to the Imperial Death March, which was pretty much the greatest thing ever. Apparently this is something of a tradition. And the tv on my floor gets House! Which means I'll only have to download Project Runway off the 'net.

But now I am dead from walking around and cheering, so as soon as my laundry is done, I'm crashing.
momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
So, we were talking about FF7 shit at lunch again, mostly because I was trying to help Josh troubleshoot his game difficulties, which lead to back to Rufus and his parachute and how he looks a little too banged up in AC for that to have happened.

Michelle: Maybe he used it and it just didn't open. Great big flying leap out the window and all.
Me: And then was all 'Oh shit!'. Although, the healing mechanics in FF7 are kinda vague.
Me: Like the whole Phoenix-Down-on-Aeris thing. Although I think that there may be a difference between dead and mostly dead. And Aeris is very very dead.
Michelle: If they're all dead, there's only one thing you can do...
Both: Go through their pockets and look for loose change!

Michelle is also like Hojo, only pretty, but we won't get into that tonight. Also, finals all over. I am on vacation now! Whoooo! And now I make more sexy Rufus icons.
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, for our senior project, we're supposed to keep a journal/log thing of all we do and when. I was originally going to ask if I could keep a blog of it because it's easier for me to remember to write in, but I just had a better idea: Get a nice old-fashioned scientific-research-looking notebook, and title it 'The Sephiroth Project'.

...Shut up, I like it.

(Also, you all should comment here and help me make up my mind what version of Sephiroth to do. Doooo iiiiit.)
momijizukamori: (Default)
(Encompassing Tales from the GSA, Why I Love Science, Part Two and The Great Moth Genocide of '05)

So. Tuesday was our first GSA meeting. I use the term 'meeting' lightly here, because it was only me and one of the juniors - Mr. Barys left after five minutes saying he had things to do. But it was alright, the junior was cool, and we chatted for a while and ate all the snacks ourselves. Mr. Barys said he'd coerce more juniors into coming by threatening to fail them or something - he's an awful man, but that's why we love him XD;

My biotech professor also shared an amusing anecdote the other day with us - apparently she was at a seminar of some sort with a lot of other biochemits, and the lecturer was talking about something that had to do with phosphorylation, which apparently caused the head of her department to stand up and shout 'I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!'. This in turn caused a bunch of other biochemist to stand up and shout 'Hallelujah!', thus proving that scientists are fun.

I also got home from work tonight to be informed that what I thought was a minor moth outbreak in a package of crackers and some very old hot chocolate mix was actually a full-fledged moth invasion. Apparently there were giant colonies living in two half-finished jars of peanuts. I'm...really glad I wasn't there to see that, as I would have been totally grossed out.

Also, seeing Patrick Stewart with hair is so weird.
momijizukamori: (Default)
I think 'doublesex' is the best protien name ever - it's a regulatory protein which determines if male or female traits are expressed in fruit flies.

And I remember one of the several amusing things my professor said yesterday - be nice to metabolic biochemists (which is what she is), because they know many ways to kill you nobody will ever detect.

And Yuumei, not coming tonight, unfortunately :\ I need sleep like whoa. So I'll show up tomorrow around two-ish, hopefully.
momijizukamori: (Default)
...Every time Auron calls Braska 'my lord', I start snickering. At least he doesn't use any of the variations Horatio does - "Here, sweet lord, at your service." I know that this was totally unsketchy back in Elizabethan times, but still. And Hamlet/Horatio and Braska/Auron have so many parallels. Down to the 'Would you stop calling me that?' 'No. My lord.' Horatio is way more of a wuss than Auron, though, but that's okay, because Hamlet is the l33t swordsman in that relationship.

Speaking of Hamlet, I never posted about seeing Hamlet in Boston Common. Aside from the set, which I didn't like, it was wonderful. The casting was totally spot-on, and the acting was great. Act 1, Scene II, where Hamlet and Horatio meet for the first time in the play? Hamlet picks Horatio up in this big hug and spins him around. It was beautiful. And they had the most perfect death scene ever. Right before or after (can't remember which) the "Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing you to your rest." line, Horatio actually kisses Hamlet on the forehead. I was going 'Yes! Yes!' as quietly as I could manage XD;

Garden update: It's actually looking like a garden instead of a living version of 'Weeds of New England', although there's a corner with a bean plant gone wild I still have to deal with, along with some tidying up. I'm pleased, even if my hands and knees are staring to hurt.

A Note

Aug. 6th, 2005 03:29 pm
momijizukamori: (Annoyed!Gwendal)

My son has sent your wages for the next several years, to me, in the form of pastries. There are three of them. My utmost apologies, but I fear I may have to eat them all myself.


PS: Actually, I am not sorry at all. They were quite good - not even poisoned or anything. The boy is learning, I think. That Mary is a good influence on him.
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, after the conclusion of part one of my adventures, I pretty much sat around and listened to music and painted my Yuna-obi until Mara came home. We had a late lunch, after which we decided we were going to get some dessert somewhere. So, we walked three miles, only to discover the place we were going to had been closed for half an hour. We began walking the three miles back, at which point it started pouring rain - it was actually rather nice, because it was warm enough out that we weren't freezing, and we both love the feel and smell of rain. We ended up taking Mara's car to the farther away ice cream place, where I had a death-by-peanut-butter sundae - peanut butter icecream with peanut butter cups in it, Reese's Pieces on top, warm peanut butter sauce, whipped cream, and a cherry. It was wonderful. We went back to Mara's house, and sat around and talked for a couple of hours before deciding to watch Phantom at one am in the morning.

This...was a lot of crack XD We made bad jokes and commentary and sang along to the songs. Some highlights:
-PhantomTM brand cake mix. And muffin mix, and brownie mix.
-Fanboy!Phantom, both of Christine and Darth Vader
-Phantom/Raoul rope bondage porn XD
...There are more I'm not remembering, ask Mara XD;;

Monday we got up early (for me, anyway), and took the train into Boston. We started out with an early lunch at Legal Seafoods, where I had their wonderfully delicous clam chowder, and we split an order of excellent apple crisp. We also browsed through a few stationary stores in the Prudential Center. From there, we went to the Boston Public Library, which a brief peek into the Fairmont, which is absolutely gorgeous. The library is rather nice too, and we spent a while there, looking at the pretty rooms and the tons and tons of books. We made kind of a spontaneous stop in the Old South Church after that, and again admired all the pretty architechture. Next, we went to Keezer's and spent a while trying on suits and tailcoats and tophats, and discovering Kaori Yuki is on slightly less crack than previously thought. Unable to enter Keezer's without coming out with something new, I bought a nice dark silver tie. Then, we decided to do something that was in retrospect, not the brightest idea - walk from Central Square to Harvard on a hot summer day with huge backpacks. We actually made it alright, with a stop into an art store and another stationary shop. We didn't have much time in Harvard before we had to leave - Mara almost missed her train, while mine left half an hour late.

Over all, the weekend was fun, if kind of tiring. It was nice to get out for a while, though.

(There will - unfortunately for the rest of you - more boring moody current-situation shit in a bit. It is unending, it seems -.-)

Tea = Love

Jun. 7th, 2005 02:10 am
momijizukamori: (Riff)
Neil Gaiman blogging about tea made me decide it was time for a tea-post myself, because tea keeps me sane - I usually have at least one cup of tea a day, if not more. He linked two little interesting bits, which I thought worth sharing - the BBC on ho w to make a perfect cup of tea, and an essay by George Orwell on the same subject, although with less pictures. I personally subscribe to the strong tea with lots of sugar school of thought, although I made my tea by the mug in the microwave, because I am a Bad Person, although sometimes I'll use the electric kettle we have. We do own a teapot (which lives up to Orwell's requirements) but it's rare that I'm making that much tea at once.

My personal favorites are Earl Grey - it's my 'morning' tea, and I'm currently wandering through different brands to decide which I like the best - Bigelow's Plantation Mint, and Celestial Seasoning's Sleepytime and Country Peach Passion. I have about six or seven other types of tea, too, most of which I like as well ^^

Also, this is something tasty to do with Earl Grey, and yes, you can do it with bagged tea too - I haven't quite moved up to loose-leaf tea yet (although I have some loose-leaf green), so all I have is bags.

Thoughts on tea, anyone ^^?

EDIT: Just realized this is an appropriate entry to give a salute to the worst cup of tea I've had in my life XD Anime Evolution last summer - we made ourselves a (cooking) pot of tea, to have some caffiene for our costuming all-nighter. The pot was suspect, Vancouver tap water (Northwest water in general, actually) has this awful mineral taste, the only tea bags we had were some Lipton ones that we found laying around (or someone brought? Can't recall), and we had to sweeten it with Marina and Elisha's lemon drops, because there was no sugar. It was awful, but did serve it's purpose.
momijizukamori: (Riff)
Hamlet presentations went over surprisingly well - there were good bits, there were bad bits, but it was enjoyable. I have tons of photos, I'll share them once I've got them uploaded and edited and what-not.

Now...where to begin on talking about this year. Surprisingly enough, through all of my bitching and stressing and lack of sleep, it was really good. I had some really wonderful people in my class, and some wonderful teachers, and, well, I felt like I belonged, in a way I never have. I was pushed to my limits, past them, and it really showed what I can do when I need to.

I'll start with the teachers, it's easiest that way. Mr. Gagne was probably my favorite - he was such a huge shameless geek, and he was witty, which always made his classes a lot of fun. I'm happy he's going to be there next year. Then there's Mrs. Ferrell. I had my doubts at the begining of the year - she seemed nice, but without much inner strength to back it up. But she turned out to be a really great person, and I loved her class a lot. She's retiring now that the year is over, which makes me sad ;; But she promised to come back for our graduation next year. Mr. Barys - I hated his class material (mostly because I was bad at it), but I love him. He wears sandals all the time and is very casual and friendly and funny. Mrs. Bonneau was great too - she's tiny, and acts almost like a kid sometimes - she gets even more excited by snow days than we do. Mrs. Lang was nice too, even if I think I kind of frustrated her during RS - she was my advisor. We actually thought she'd be moving on to a different job next year, but she was offered a permanent position as of the day before yesterday, so she's staying, yay! Mrs. Dodge I had kind of a love-hate relationship with, as is evidenced by some of my posts here, but I think by the end of the year, I've grown to like her. She's leaving, too, and it's going to be wierd without her there next year.

...And the second part of this will come later, I think. I'm going to take a nap before Star Wars =.=
momijizukamori: (Default)
We had some amusing things happen in school yesterday, which I didn't get around to writing up last night.

-Mr. Gagne, after our last vocab quiz of the year, had a bag of slips of paper with things written on them. Some of them raised your grade, some lowered them, some could do either, and some didn't have anything to do with grades at all. Two read 'Raise your grade by 3d6' and 'Lower your grade by 3d6'. He actually had six-sided gaming dice to roll with him. This is why I love that class.

-Nicole was wearing a very long-sleeved sweater, so Mr. Menard tied the sleeve ends in knots, and then tied them together around one of the wood support columns.

-Carolyn was hiding in one of the lockers for some reason. Dunno why, but it was funny.

And I have ranting to come later. But I have my lines memorized. Yay!


May. 11th, 2005 07:16 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
I have been seized by an overwhelming desire to play FF7 again, which is a bit odd coming in the middle of trying to pull together an essay about Horatio (I have a lot to say, I'm just having trouble pulling it all together). Maybe I'll go play in a bit, and hopefully will have better luck coming up with a name for my Turk XD; He's got most of a backstory and a personality, but no name ^^;

Also, to the people who I promised I'd send copies of FF7 - my install disk has disappeared, so I have to wait until Jon copies his to give to me. It will get done, I swear, but it may take a little while ^^;
momijizukamori: (Default)
(This entry is probably going to get updated and edited several times as I go through the movie, but I can't resist giving commentary)

Probably fifteen minutes in so far, so first reations - I like Olivier as Hamlet, a lot. Which isn't to say I don't like Branagh and his white-blond hair and silly goatee and sexy sexy black coat, but wow, Olivier is a pretty-boy - I don't think Branagh could ever look that good in tights, or lounging. And he was six years older than Branagh when the movies were made - guess he aged very well. Or black and white hides better

The Laertes is also very cute, and looks the right age (was the right age, even), although he's got a slightly unfortunate 40's haircut.

Horatio, though....ouch. Looks fourty-five and has a reeeeally unfortunate 40's haircut. And so far hasn't matched Branagh's Horatio in acting (I like how he plays Horatio a lot, I just don't like his looks)

And Ophelia. Wow. She may turn out to be a good actress, but her hair and face make her look twelve or thirteen. Painfully so. It kind of makes me twitch.

More soon!

EDIT1: Best ghost scene so far, I think. Branagh overplayed it, Zeferelli (director for the Gibson version) underplayed it, Olivier hit a good balance in between

EDIT2: "To be or not to be" - I'm not actually sure which I like better, Olivier's, or Branagh's - Branagh's has a lot more emotion, which is good, but I like the staging of Olivier's better - it seems a lot more like the sort of introspection I feel it is, with him sitting by himself on the walls, looking into the sea, versus Branagh's wierd dagger thing.

EDIT THE LAST: Okay - I really don't like how the play scene was enacted in this version x.x Or actually, any of the versions I've seen, although Branagh's the best. Laertes proved to be good looking but a bad actor. As with Horatio, Branagh has the best acting, but they both don't look the part. I liked Olivier's Gertrude a lot, though, she had a sense of royalty I didn't quite get in the other versions. And Ophelia still remained scandelously young-looking, but had a good crazy-scene. I was also pleased with the duel scene, although a little wierded out by the tights with codpieces or whatever XD; But it was thankfully less over the top than Branagh's - I'm not sure what he was thinking with that chandelier move. So, overall, not bad. I think it was a bit better adapted than the Zeferelli, although having Horatio say Fortinbras's last line was really off. And Olivier, while he could use a little more emotion like Branagh had, manages to avoid one of Branagh's short comings - I'm sure he's a wonderful man, but all the scenes that I felt were overplayed, I got a sense of 'Lookit how awesome I am!' from Branagh, which Olivier didn't have.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Kelsey, Claudia, and possibly Mara - May is open-FST month XD Come on, you know you wanna~ It'd be fun :D

Also, the Branagh!Hamlet loses for it's Horatio and the overplaying, IMO, of the pre-play scene, but it winz for teh ghei XD And the costumes. Shiny Victorian ooooh.

Also, Horatio is even sweeter than I first noticed in the text (not in the movie, I noticed it when we were doing our dramatic reading). Aw. I <3 him.

...And I think Mrs. Ferrell is amused by my enthusiasm for this play, particularly for Horatio.
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, SPLISH was today, which is pretty much my school's teeny version of MIT's SPLASH program. Which means that all of us juniors ran workshops for middle-schoolers. I did a ghetto-costuming one, which turned out quite well. Mrs. Lang actually had to kind of make them leave at the end XD; I threw together something in the hour too, I got photos of all of it I can post later. There was also a small technology-incident, in that I didn't bring my camera cable to school, and the school camera's one doesn't fit, and nothing would read my memory card but Mr. Barys's printer XD; So we had to upload them into iPhoto, and then onto my flashdrive. Things went well otherwise, and I got a comfy new geek-shirt out of it proclaiming I helped out with SPLISH.

As for this weekend...I'm not sure how much coherent description I can make out of it, so I think I may not try. In short, Mara and I found a cookbook called 'A Taste of Murder', we watched the Gibson version of Hamlet which had some shinies but I still like the Branagh version better so far (because I like melodramatic emo boys XD), and neither has a Horatio I consider acceptable. Aaaand....there was happy and muffins. And that was all the important bits ^^


Apr. 4th, 2005 12:47 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
I had a sense that it was going to be a bad week, or at least a bad day, when I woke up fifteen minutes late, had no soda for lunch or tea for breakfast, found that the handle of one of our two bathrooms is broken and won't open, and had my mom get angry about my brother fiddling around with the router over the weekend. I had the realization of why this was happening when Nick pointed out that the date, 4/4, could also be written as 4/04. "Error, cannot find the requested good day", most likely. Bah.

Anyway, off to do homework. Or read. Or something. I dunno.

(also, for those who care, White Wolf has PDF of the Victorian Age character sheet avalible here. The one in the sourcebook doesn't look great printed, 'cause of the scan-quality)

EDIT: I want shadow magic. But I can't have shadow magic. Nooo T.T


momijizukamori: (Default)
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