Fic bits~

Sep. 28th, 2009 12:10 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
From the Desai kink meme, because seriously, this is the best game ever. So, two bits I threw together yesterday, both gen, presented for the amusement of my flist as a whole.

-'Spock+Wobuffet fluff.' (brief background - Japan was handing out Pokemon at one point. Spock got a Wobbuffet)
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-'Aeris+anyone. Crossdressing. We all know she has the skills.' (Yeah, Desai brings people back from the dead sometimes)
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lol fic

Sep. 16th, 2009 12:57 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
I finished it! I will probably post this on other comms later but I kind of just want it out somewhere.

Title: Learning to Fall
Fandom: FF7/Before Crisis - Rufus and Tseng gen fic
Warnings: Implied child abuse, a complete lack of anything even resembling sex
Notes: Squenix owns 'em, mad props to the editor boyfriend for helping me whip this into shape. Set in the gap between missions 17 and 18, where Rufus is essentially a prisoner of the Turks.
Summary: Redeeming Rufus.

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momijizukamori: (Default)
For Jo and kidavi, who I think are the only Dante/Virgil shippers out of my friends. Rather sappy and not the world's greatest, but hell, I think I'm the only one who writes this pairing, and the world needs more of it.

Untitled, Dante/Virgil )
Notes )

And now I wish I'd left up my D/V icon. Oh well, fluffy A/L icon will suffice ^^
momijizukamori: (Default)
The Ada/Leon fic I keep mentioning! I finally found my edited hardcopy shoved in my school binder.

Title: Progression
Rating: R (implied sex)
Disclaimer/Notes: Resident Evil, Ada, and Leon belong to Capcom; I just play with them with no intent to profit. Many thanks to [ profile] moonything and [ profile] ariseishirou for editing skills. As it's sort of relevant, the title of this was almost 'The Stories We Say', a line from Vienna Teng's "Eric's Song".
Summary: The building of a relationship.

Progression )

D/V Stuff

Feb. 15th, 2006 08:31 pm
momijizukamori: (Classical Love)
Probably should have posted this yesterday, but hey, it's still good a day late. Photos of the Dante and Vergil cookies I made for C and Ari for Christmas )
(warnings for silliness, cookies in suggestive poses with each other, and cookie-on-cookie violence), and a bit of slightly surreal sorta-Virgil/Dante - note the 'i' rather than 'e'. )
Why I shouldn't be left on an island in Mexico with a copy of The Aeneid (warnings for weird surreal stuff, present tense, and I'm the only person that's edited it).


Feb. 4th, 2004 03:19 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
Written for [ profile] rackhamrose's challenge. The idea simmered for about half an hour as I was getting ready for school, and then I typed it up in another forty minutes when we were in the computer labs first period. Probably would have been typed faster if I didn't have Grace and Emily on either side of me going 'look at this!' every five minutes, but whatever. Reading it over now, I could have done better, but eh. Maybe someone else reading this here will find it as amusing as I did at eight am this morning ^^

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momijizukamori: (Default)
Yeah, this baby's been done for a good month and a half now, I was just bad about getting it typed up ^^;

Poeshirou 2//The Telltale Heart )

Also, my cat is crawling around inside the basement walls again, I think. Dear God.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Been floating around my head for a week, ever since I picked up my fuzzy owl in Seattle. I blame this entirely on Owl, even though he's small and stuffed and not actually alive. It's all his fault anyway. Oh, and this is going to make a lot more sense if you've read Owl

Musing on what might happen if Subaru ever found out my Seishirou named his shikigami Owl )

X Ficbit

Sep. 15th, 2003 09:10 pm
momijizukamori: (X: Sei + Ice Cream = Mmmm)
Product of a very late-night conversation with [ profile] bangles that was too neat not to do anything with, but too small to pass on to someone else who would give it a better home ^^ Actually written out because my math class is really boring, and because [ profile] shoiryu told me, in her own words, to '.....Write something. Beeee productive.' when I said I had nothing to do. Also partially blamed on Terry Pratchett and his Death, who I <3, and makes a sort of appearance here. His concept of Death, anyway.

Fate )
...I wonder what it's a sign of that I seem to not be able to write anything completely serious well. Honestly, this started out without any of the mini-bits of humor that just decided to add themselves in. Also, for the record, I'm not sure I entirely believe this theory myself, but it's an interesting idea, at the very least, and an interesting explanation. Too bad I only did a so-so job of covering it...started sort of falling apart towards the end there ^^;
momijizukamori: (Default)
Entirely her fault. I got talked into reading the Discworld books and have totally fallen in love with Death ^^

Random bit of inspiration ^^ )


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