momijizukamori: (Default)
From the Desai kink meme, because seriously, this is the best game ever. So, two bits I threw together yesterday, both gen, presented for the amusement of my flist as a whole.

-'Spock+Wobuffet fluff.' (brief background - Japan was handing out Pokemon at one point. Spock got a Wobbuffet)


Spock could feel the beginnings of a headache building behind his eyes. /Merely lack of sleep/, he told himself. The thing hand bounced around his quarters all night, making enough noise to wake the dead, as the ever-colorful Kirk would have said. It showed some signs of recognizing both English and Japanese, but if it knew specific commands already, he hadn't stumbled across them yet. Sighing very slightly, he rose from the desk. There was no point in trying to get any work done in his off-duty hours today, it seemed. "Perhaps you require sustenance. I will return shortly with food." He paused at the door. "Endeavor not to damage anything while I am gone." Perhaps a hopeless request, but it cost him nothing, and he had some now-rare Vulcan artifacts in his quarters whose loss would be problematic.

He returned a half hour later, a small plate of food discretely held close to him. He reasoned that his haste in returning to his quarters was not out of any human guilt, but merely to avoid running into the captain, who no doubt would have engaged him in another pointless and time-consuming debate in the name of 'fun'. Thankfully, his quarters were intact, and the creature merely stared up at him as he entered, rocked side to side slightly. "Wobbuffet?" He placed the tray of food down in front of it. It was, as far as Spock could discern, an herbivore, so the tray was mostly greens and fruit. He returned to his desk as the creature contemplated the food, and a few minutes later, he could hear enthusiastic munching noises behind him. Good. Perhaps it would rest after satiating its hunger, and he could get some work done. The munching stopped, and there was motion behind him, as the creature moved over to sit - in so much as it /could/ - next to his chair. Absentmindedly, he reached out a hand to rub the top of the Wobbuffet's round head. There was a sort of soft fur all over it, and the sensation was...strangely tension-releasing. It leaned into the touch, making a happy 'wobbu~' noise, causing Spock to look up from his work. "...Hm. Perhaps we will be able to coexist after all."



-'Aeris+anyone. Crossdressing. We all know she has the skills.' (Yeah, Desai brings people back from the dead sometimes)

"You know, you're going to have to come out of there eventually," Aeris said to the bathroom door, amusement evident in both her voice and smile. The room's occupant gave what sounded like a strangled sigh. "I don't know why I let you talk me into this..." Aeris laughed, the sound light and warm. "Well, you /did/ say 'anything'... Now, I'm giving you two more minutes before I find Reno and get him to pick the lock on that door." There was a minute of silence, and then the door handle clicked as Tseng opened it and stepped out of the bathroom. "I look absurd," he said frankly, looking down at the dress he was wearing. The cheongsam was ankle-length, of deep blue silk brocade, and Tseng had decided not to ask where she had found one in his size - though average by Midgar standards, he was all the tall side for a Wutaian. Aeris gave him a quick hug before standing back to admire her work so far. "You look /lovely/." She grabbed his wrist and tugged him towards the sofa. "Come on, sit down down so I can do your hair and make-up, and then we can go out!" Tseng let himself be led as he stared it her in horror. "Go /out/?! I can't go out like this!" She smiled. "Relax, I picked a restaurant in Chinatown. A /nice/ restaurant," she added, when the look didn't fade. Tseng made a noncomittal noise in the back of his throat but sat down and let her go to work. When she was done, she handed him a small mirror to see what she had done. Tseng's eyebrows shot up slightly in surprise. "You know, I'd always wondered...Strife is pretty, but he's not /that/ pretty, and the Don has fairly refined tastes in women...I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to know it was you." She gave him an amused smile and gave him a hand up. "Now, about that dinner..." He sighed slightly. "...I suppose. Just this once."


As they entered the house again later that night, Aeris gave him an amused smile. "Have fun?" He hesitated a moment before replying. "...I did, I suppose." He caught the gleam in her eye and added quickly, "That's /not/ an invitation to talk me into this again. But I must admit, it's relaxing to feel a little pampered, I guess."


momijizukamori: (Default)
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