momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So the original installments are four years old now, but I am feeling all crankypants today, so why not.

-Getting to work only to discover that I am not actually working today (sounds awesome, but I have an hour commute each way, so that was two hours of my day I could have still been asleep)
-My job in general (it leaves me sore and exhausted every day - too bad the economy is shit and it pays pretty well)
-Having to listen to my landlord's easy listening jazzy shit (his sound system > my sound system, so blocking it out would wake up my sleep deprived roommate)
-Sleeping badly (it was okay during the school year, but the last two weeks? Ugh)
-Washing dishes by hand (wet food bits make me go UGH UGH UGH *flail*)
-My flakey roommate (who still hasn't decided if he's staying for the whole summer or not)

Okay, going to attempt to channel my grumpiness into cleaning, because the house is a mess (still), and I am hoping to find the missing glove.
momijizukamori: (Default)
-Whistling. The next person whistling near me I can get away with hurting is doing _down_.
-Joni. One more stupid question and...*cracks knuckles menacingly* Nobody would mind, either. Even Mr. Gagne finds him irritating.
-Spanish class, and my Spanish teacher
-Actually, most noise in general right now.
-Tension headaches.
-Physics SAT
-Not being able to sleep well.

...Actually, despite this list, I'm feeling a little better, possibly because I just had lunch and actually had breakfast this morning. Going to go read and listen to music for a while.
momijizukamori: (Default)
A Few More Things Cocoa Doesn't Like:
- Not being able to fall asleep
- How I get pissed off at people who I think are better than me, which at times includes most of the people I know.
- The stupid check-out program my hosting service uses that won't process my mother's credit card properly.

...I'm going to read some Sherlock Holmes and hope to hell I can get enough sleep to be coherent for my presentation tomorrow.
momijizukamori: (Default)
- This Spanish project
- Oral projects in general, actually.
- Not understanding WTF the last problem on my math homework - "The reader can verify it by induction." Verify what?
- The amount of Physics I'm going to have to do tomorrow if it's due Friday rather than Monday
- My group for Engineering. All the people I asked for are in another group, altogether
- The lack of food in my house. I can't even make ghetto Potage Crecy, which would have lasted me until Friday, because we have no onions. We also have no milk, and pretty much nothing else I consider generally edible except for pasta and rice pilaf mix which I don't have the motivation to make right now.
- Being made more bad-tempered by other people being bad-tempered at me, over stupid things all around.
- Geting only five hours of sleep last night.
- Not being able to get inspired to make layouts for myself.

Now, back to your regular scheduled apathy while I work on aforementioned Spanish project.
momijizukamori: (Default)
-This lab
-Having to use a good six different programs for this lab
-My computer
-Logger Pro
momijizukamori: (Default)
Things Cocoa Doesn't Like:

Feeling plain, boring, generally uninteresting, and useless, particularly when it leads to feeling out of place amoung my friends who seem so much more interesting than me.

This is probably a sign that I either need something new and interesting in my routine/warddrobe/house/life, or to sleep for two days straight, or both.

*headdesk* This is so not my week.

EDIT: Tokyo-Tower _may_ be down for the rest of the week. There's a sticky situation involving the fact that my mom and her credit card are in France, and I need the new number because her old one expired.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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