momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So, as per my last post, I downloaded and watched the first two episodes of Naruto Shippuuden. And then the third. And the fourth. And you can all see where this is going. I've got all ten downloaded, but only watched through seven, because it's four am and I swore I'd get to sleep before the sun came up. But this series is like crack. It's not mind-blowingly amazing writing or anything, but it's fun. Bright and colorful, and so far, a good mix of silly and serious. A total surprise favorite so far is Gaara. I previously have had this massive, somewhat irrational dislike for Gaara - bad associations, really. But now, actually watching some of the show, I have to grudgingly admit that he's pretty awesome. I'm not sure if I'd feel the same way about young!Gaara (who it seems it would not be inaccurate to describe as small and angry), but matureleader!Gaara? Win. Also, all the scenes in the village of sand made me think of the hour and a half of Dune I actually watched. Seriously, expecting glowy eyes and 'fear is the mindkiller' here. I also suspect I'll wind up liking Sasuke - I've got a soft spot for the token deeply fucked up angst-muffins (Subaru, Ianto, anyone?).

Yeah, you can all start mocking me now. Go ahead. I deserve it XD; Also, yes. I totally get into everything like two years too late. Everything.


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