momijizukamori: (Default)
Part the first - Ally in a 40s cocktail dress, dress and pose shamelessly stolen from Rita Hayworth (I don't claim to be anything but a hack). This comes from our SR4 game - Ally got invited by her Matrix buddy Bogart to a Matrix club called Play it Again, Sam (seeing a theme here?), which turned out to have a dress code. So she let the bouncer change her icon to match, and this was the result.

Part the second - the funniest mental image generated in Earthdawn last night: Isak (think cleaner-cut Trent Reznor in his long-haired days) and Sphal (a seveneight-foot tall rock man) running around flapping big capes like wings and making bat-squeak noises. And thus we learn yet another reason nobody invites Nethermancers to parties.

A Thought

Mar. 5th, 2007 11:37 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Is there something about the name Jack that implies 'man-whore'? Because three of the five characters with that name I can think of would have sex with practically anything that moves, another one is debatable (Jack Sparrow), and only the fifth (Jack Skellington) is most definately not a man-whore.

RR!Jack is the reincarnation of Casanova, and accordingly has slept with half the characters in the game. Including Asher, because while he's less of a slut than most of the Jacks, his pants are not exactly hard to get into.

And totally, completely unrelated - if there is no Argilla/Sera bandwagon, I am forming one right now, damnit. Because I think it would be cute (and really, that's about the only justification I need for a ship).
momijizukamori: (Default)
I am totally enjoying writing Asher in RR. I think some of this is because somewhere over the last several months, I've settled into him in a way I hadn't before. He was the first character I ever seriously wrote, and in the begining, his characterization was all over the place. Honestly, I cringe a little just thinking about some of the early posts I did for S_F. RR! really what he was intended to be, honestly. The right ratio of asshole to decent human being, at the right times. Only took me, what, a year and a half XD;? I hope Anya doesn't take that long.

And I could ramble about Asher's characterization and personality for paragraphs and paragraphs (as, uh, a few people here know), but for now, have a little Asher and Ally snippet - first time they met, oh so many years ago. I meant to write more of it, but as you can tell by the post date there... no, not gonna happen. S_F-verse, but RR-verse is more or less the same, except they're each two years older, and LA doesn't get nearly as cold as Midgar.

Movie-wise, we saw Children of Men tonight, and I will be a dissenting voice, it seems, and say it was good, but not amazing. The world/setting were well fleshed out (although there was a certain amount of hand-waving in the history that bugged me in what was a rather cyberpunk movie. Cyberpunk thrives on the absence of the hand-waving found in most sci-fi). Unfortunately, the plot was a little simplistic (I guessed pretty much all the ending a third of the way in) which meant the 'this could be us' message was a little heavy-handed. Still, worth at least one watch, if only for the setting.


Dec. 8th, 2006 10:41 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
I think this would make Asher implode of happy. Both Ashers. It makes me really wish I knew how to ride a motorcycle, and had a lot of money.

Back to Firefly and Photoshop!

OC Meme

Oct. 8th, 2006 04:04 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Choose twelve of your original characters in any particular order. (NO PEEKING AT THE QUESTIONS AT THIS STAGE!) Then, answer the questions that follow.

characters )
questions )

Yeah, I've got too many S_F characters (people owe me posts, damnit), and I really desperately need to do something with some of these guys.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Because I love how Asher got recruited to be a Turk, and it's not going to come up in-game any more (actually, not sure it would have anyway, he's a bit embarassed by it). Also some random stuff I meant to post earlier, I think.

Asher, before becoming a Turk, was a thief. Started with picking pockets, but he moved on to houses, largely on the upper plate. Not quite the best house robber ever, but he was pretty good. He made the mistake of trying to break into Drake's penthouse, not really knowing that Drake was the leader of the Turks and all. Drake, being an awesome old guy, caught him, and gave him three options - being a Turk, being turned over to the police, or trying to get out again. And while Asher is not always the sharpest tool in the shed, he knows better than to mess with a guy with a revolver who actually managed to catch him, and took the Turk option.

As for the second part - I got bored one day last winter and picked out BPAL scents for a bunch of the characters - Hoth and Hadrian aren't on there because I didn't (and still don't) have a good feel for their characters, and a few were hard to find good ones for. But here it is, for anyone curious.

list )
momijizukamori: (Default)
This list is more for me than anything, but I figured someone out there might enjoy it, and hell, I'm happy for suggestions for homes for any of them, or anyone who wants to play around with them with me or whatever.

Issac and Raphael: They have their own post of description from last fall, and are my current frustrations - they have personality, some backstory, but all I ever get out of them is little snippets of conversation. I was hoping if I let them sit around long enough, plot-things would happen on their own, but it's been eight months, and...nothing. Argh.

Mira and Alex: Haven't actually met, but they're from the same universe so they get grouped together. Dunno if anyone remembers me going on about how the Sprawl would be a great RP setting, but, uh, I got bored and came up with characters for it. Yes. A game that doesn't exist. Alex is half-Greek, and used to be a mercenary. Now he's a bouncer with an alcohol problem (which is why he's not a merc any more). Mira was a molecular engineer working for Maas, but decided that she needed more excitement in her life, and left with a lot of confidential research data, which she sold for a great deal of money. She's currently working as a console jockey and won't take shit from anyone. Either Mexican or Indian (never decided), and Mira isn't her real name.

Malcolm: Some variety of storm-mage; I never got around to really defining his powers. Lives in the modern world or some close variation, in England. Probably wanted to be writer or something, but ended up in a shitty managerial position in a big company somewhere. Hates his job, hates his life, finds his powers more of a nuisance than anything else - bitter and cynical, pretty much. Also has that Neil Gaiman/Tim Burton-sort of crazy hair.

Unamed Water Mage: Incredibly short-tempered, and possibly also a ship's pilot. Born out of the observation that it's usually just the fire mages who are short tempered; she hates it when anyone points this out to her.

Unamed Lab Tech: The only one of these who has a definate home - I was considering offering up a lab slave research assistant to Dr. Petras over in City of Mako - hopelessly naive, totally enamoured with science, and thinks Hojo is absolutely brilliant, not knowing what a crazy asshole he is. She's proably a bit stereotypically nerdy, but CoM could probably use some people who aren't either perpetually grumpy or totally spastic and high on something.
momijizukamori: (Ada/Leon)
Oh, Claire/Leon. I want to love you, I really do. You're sweet, and fluffy, and have some sort of canon basis (more than any of the Leon yaoi-ships), and god knows they both deserve some shred of happiness - Leon in particular. I'm not sure what it is that makes me shy away, though. Maybe because it's a little too much like Asher/Ally (Asher has started bleeding over into my Leon, now...I need to make it stop), which Doesn't Work. Which is probably a topic for another day, because once I get started on those two, I can go for a while. Sigh. Maybe I just need a really, really good Claire/Leon story to win me over.

And Mara wins so much for being willing to edit fic for a fandom she has no part in at one am in the morning. So there will be Ada/Leon soon, once I finish beating it with the Editing Stick. She also gave me an idea for a silly little Ada-drabble, that'll probably get written during Calc tomorrow.

Also, I just realized that in the absence of canon-proof of siblings, I tend to write characters as being an only child. The only three exceptions to this are all OCs - Damien has a younger brother, unamed; Sam has multiple siblings, without ages or names (although as his family has kind of disowned him, they're not really relevent); and Julian, who had an older brother and sister - the brother was kind of important backstory-wise. Arguably, the whole Asher-Ally-Sam-Jey-Damien-Naomi thing is kind of a family dynamic, but it's not really the same. I'm not sure why I do this - maybe because it makes family relationships less complicated to figure out, and, in Asher and Leon's cases (also someone Ally's, but not so much), isolates them. Both of them are kind of lone wolf-type characters - a bit funny, as Asher's personality formed without the influence of Leon's. They are in some respects very, very different, but at the same time, they have certain similarities.

Random bit of amusement - I dug up Julian's character sheet - he was for an aborted VtM game - and his older brother's name was Albert. Actually, Albert Edward Delaval Astley, 21st Baron Hastings, because I decided to be neurotic and have Julian come from an actual aristocratic family. But the Albert bit is what's amusing me.


Feb. 26th, 2006 02:04 am
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
So I didn't end up playing any KH, because I sat around re-reading the last year and a half or so of my life instead. It encompasses all of the DRAMA! (people reading that long know what I mean), and a lot of funny quotes from me, like how Vergil (and Virgil) is a two-timing whore, and Michelle is like Hojo, but pretty. My life is so amusing sometimes. As is my Genetics prof - I need to do a post of amusing quotes from her at some point.

In the meantime, more Shinra's Finest babble! Because I love that game (can you tell?). It's almost kind of comforting how easy it is for me to slip back into them. I wrote Ally for the first time in about four months last night, and I managed to toss off more in half an hour than I've managed for most of the other characters I play lately. And on a related tangent, Spyderco has the most awesome boxes for their knives - dark green-grey with black spider webs and a little silver spider. I think Asher's knives will probably end up being Spydercos (actually, they're a matched pair of Shinra military-issue combat knives he bought on the black market, but talking about looks here). Mmm pointy things.

Gah, Turks are love. And candybars, the finding and then eating of which cheered me up greatly. Oh, and I meant to mention this earlier, but Eva is wicked fun to write. And I stand by her comment that purple velvet was never in.
momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
...Starting with the last. For people who live in MA (or any place with rotaries/traffic circles, which is mostly MA and Ireland, I've found), yield to the people in the circle. Really, how hard is this to do? Especially when most have signs to this effect. I almost got hit by some asshole who decided that it didn't matter that I was in the rotary, he was just going to go right through in his giant pick-up. Fucker. I hate hate hate driving in this city.

On to happier things! Went by the library, and got out two cyberpunk books I already own but have disappeared into the depths of friends' homes (Buring Chrome and Neuromancer). The first was more for Ben, who I'm trying to draw into cyberpunk, and the second was for me, because writing Asher, who is kinda a cyberpunk kid (as opposed to Ally, who is a child of the 80s), makes me crave cyberpunk. Also grabbed a book on poisons that looked interesting, the first book of the Coldfire Trilogy which I am reading again, and The Lobotomist, which she reccomended to me. So now I have things to do in my free time instead of writing long, bitter rants on my blog - aren't you all happy XD?

On the RP side of things, posted this last night, as I enjoy embarassing my characters on the internet (Okay, just Asher), and yes, I know his head shape is kind of off, it took me four tries to get that far. I've also realized that the biggest flaw of having my two characters' strongest ties be to each other, rather than other people's characters like it seems everybody else did, is that I can't play out backstory with someone else - I'm pretty much on my own. Which is also, I suppose kind of a good thing, because it means I can do whatever the hell I want with the two of them, but at the same time gives me less incentive to write up and flesh out a lot of the backstory. I may do a few bits and pieces anyway, probably conversations like that little bit with Isaac and Raphael. Also, my brain has spawned a couple archtypes today I'd kind of like to build characters around - perhaps I'll lset them simmer in the back of my head and see what they spawn. The storm-mage is the one I find the most fascinating, mostly because I'd have to go in and chose limits and abilities and neat stuff like that. Food for thought, I guess.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Because it has come around my friendslist again, and I am bored, and actually have characters other people know about now.

Ask any of my current or former roleplay characters any question you would like them to answer. I will answer in character.

This means Asher, Ally, my four NPCs (who've only been mentioned in passing in the game, but I know I've babbled about them to at least a few people) Sam, Naomi, Damien, and Jey, Julian, for the maybe two people who know him, and not really RP characters, but I'll add them in anyway for good measure, Isaac and Raphael.

...Yeah, I've only ever RPed as original characters XD; Go on, give me somethign to do.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Because I feel the need to share these two with everybody - they've decided to take up residence in the back of my brain this week.

A bit of conversation )

...And, the background:

Isaac )

Raphael )

And this, my friends, is why I probably shouldn't study history XD Because both the names came out of historical things and just kind of built characters around them. Raphael is from Raphael Holinshed, who was an English translator in the 1500s - he's mentioned in the historical context section of my copy of Macbeth. And Isaac, is, of course, from Sir Isaac Newton, although he is neither quite as genius, nor quite as eccentric, as his namesake.

No, I've got no idea what to do with these two. You all may just get little bits and pieces like this.
momijizukamori: (Default)
...AKA, RP stuff. I sense nobody outside the RP really cares about my lovely little characters, but in case you do - the '20 things about you' meme for Asher and Ally, plus a picture of Asher by me that doesn't suck, and is actually pretty close to what Asher-in-my-head looks like. And you can see some of his piercings, which will probably get their own little sketches later.

Also, finally got around to reading through some of the Midgar threads, and Jack is so much love XD


Sep. 16th, 2005 11:50 pm
momijizukamori: (Riff)
I keep noticing people that look like older versions of my RP characters lately - Tim Roth as Mr. Orange in Resevoir Dogs is perfect as an older Asher save the eye color - his are blue, and Ash's are light brown. And my Shakespeare professor reminds me a lot of an older version of Ally - I think it's the hair

I've also discovered that I can't wear rose scents. Not because they do strange things on my skin, but because it reminds me of Claudia and that hurts way too much right now. This is definately a disappointment, because I had some blends with roses on my 'interested' list for BPAL, and one rose coming my way - Black Cat - and I really really like the scent of roses. But I had to cover over the smell of the rose body wash I used in the shower with amber after five minutes because I was on the verge of tears.

...Also, I am so going to kill my family. Someone put something in the dishwasher that had food on it that now smells like rotting meat and sour milk. Just loading the rest of the dishwasher gave me this awful headache and some nausea, and now everytime I breathe in through my nose I feel like I can still smell it ><

EDIT: Note to self - when I am having a good day, strong florals are absolutely lovely. However, when I am having a bad day, it just makes my headache worse ><

Also, Claudia, if you are reading this - when I said I wanted my Farscape back now three weeks ago, and then again, a week and a half ago, I meant now. You've had more than enough time, and if I have to go over there myself to get them back, I am going to be really, really displeased. And demand you pay for the gas money it took to get there, which will probably be three times as much as it would have cost to mail them.

EDIT2: ...Okay, deep breaths, calming down. Lack of sleep makes me insanely twitchy and irritable, which is why I need to stop stomping around the house being upset over everything, and good to bed. Good night, all <3
momijizukamori: (Default)
Anybody in the area interested in being a zombie? I've already volunteered, but I figure I'd spread the word.

I've got my driver's test tomorrow, but I'm only really worried about being late, because my mother is hopeless when it comes to these things. Anthony's car is nice to drive - he came over and we played video games and I drove some.

Randomly, I finally figured out who my mental image of Asher reminds me of - he's kind of like a younger Leon Kennedy with different coloration, and more piercings. And kind of a different personality, but it's the looks that was bugging me XD
momijizukamori: (Default)
Started playing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask today on a total whim. While I watched Ben play a lot of it, it was about three years ago, and I had forgotten how delightly strange it is. And also how unbelievably creepy the Happy Mask Man is. I'm currently part-way into the Woodfall Temple, and I'll probably pick it up again when I get home from work tomrorow. The BGM is awesome, too.

I also picked up FF7 again, in the hopes that this time, it wouldn't crash right after the JENOVA battle at the end of disc 1, and it didn't, thankfully. I'm almost through Gaea's Cliff, I think, but it was getting late, so I saved and quit. I did realize that when we get as far as Nibelhiem in the RP, if there's anything up in the mountains at all, which seems likely, Asher is going to have a great bit 'OMGWTF?!' moment, because FF7 monsters are on crack. And also largely don't live inside Midgar. It'll be all 'Aaaargh why is this giant bird trying eat me?!'

Ah, I love video game crack. And now, I sleep, in preparation for my six and a half hour shift tomorrow x.x


momijizukamori: (Default)
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