momijizukamori: (Default)
Because I love how Asher got recruited to be a Turk, and it's not going to come up in-game any more (actually, not sure it would have anyway, he's a bit embarassed by it). Also some random stuff I meant to post earlier, I think.

Asher, before becoming a Turk, was a thief. Started with picking pockets, but he moved on to houses, largely on the upper plate. Not quite the best house robber ever, but he was pretty good. He made the mistake of trying to break into Drake's penthouse, not really knowing that Drake was the leader of the Turks and all. Drake, being an awesome old guy, caught him, and gave him three options - being a Turk, being turned over to the police, or trying to get out again. And while Asher is not always the sharpest tool in the shed, he knows better than to mess with a guy with a revolver who actually managed to catch him, and took the Turk option.

As for the second part - I got bored one day last winter and picked out BPAL scents for a bunch of the characters - Hoth and Hadrian aren't on there because I didn't (and still don't) have a good feel for their characters, and a few were hard to find good ones for. But here it is, for anyone curious.

Asher : Inferno, Port Au Prince
Ally : Alice, Jailbait
Rhys : Hollywood Babylon, Bliss, Lust, O
Zhi : Shanghai, Neo Tokyo
Drake : Rome, Old Scratch, Saint-Germain, Wilde
Baldur : Eos, Katharina
Ilea : Kali, Queen Mab, Anne Bonny
Jack : Stardust (Yule LE), Swank, Twenty-one, Casanova
Luca : Absinthe, Juke Joint, Roadhouse, Dirty
Seung : Dove's Heart, Water of Notre Dame, Magdalene
Sofia : Santo Domingo, Delight, Jezebel, #20 Love Potion


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