FF7 Bits

Apr. 27th, 2009 03:33 am
momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
Reinstalled FF7 because I have been on a major Turks kick lately, and with finals done, I actually have gaming time now \o/ Also it keeps me distracted from rereading A Long, Hard Road for like the four time because I hate myself (great fic, but I would be MIA for like a week). And man, I had forgotten how much of a dick Cloud is at the beginning of the game. Barret's all like 'We have to save the _Planet_, man!' and Cloud is like 'Whatever, I don't give a shit as long as I get paid." Seriously Cloud, you're more apathetic than some Shadowrunners I know.

Also, I love how the game proudly informed me when I installed it that it used the latest in 3D technology, and that I might need to install new video drivers to run it. Yes, Squaresoft, your DirectX 5 game is obviously far too mighty for my DirectX 9 system (actually, this is sort of true - there's a known crash bug in the game under any Windows later than 98 - there's a fanwritten patch you have to install to fix it)
momijizukamori: (Default)
I think the significance of Hojo and Gast's titles being 'professor' and not 'doctor' really just clicked in my brain. Something to do with now having to remember that I have professors now and not teachers, and have to address them as such. But back to the point, I think it definately implies that there is higher-level education somewhere in that particular universe - most likely above the plate in Midgar, although location is less important. This in turn kind of implies a lower-level education system, which makes me feel justified in having assumed one XD Although, the idea of Hojo teaching classes is a bit scary. Well, might be a bit like Snape, really.

And a sort of larger idea connected to all this - it's really facinating to contemplate that world, and try to fill in all of the many little gaps we're left with. We see a lot of stuff on the surface in the game - mako reactors, SOLDIER, etc. - but none of the inner workings, the background. Jo and I were having a very interesting conversation on science and technology in the FF7 world Saturday night, that kept me up a bit longer than I expected to be XD

...Yeah, this RP has totally taken over my brain.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Started playing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask today on a total whim. While I watched Ben play a lot of it, it was about three years ago, and I had forgotten how delightly strange it is. And also how unbelievably creepy the Happy Mask Man is. I'm currently part-way into the Woodfall Temple, and I'll probably pick it up again when I get home from work tomrorow. The BGM is awesome, too.

I also picked up FF7 again, in the hopes that this time, it wouldn't crash right after the JENOVA battle at the end of disc 1, and it didn't, thankfully. I'm almost through Gaea's Cliff, I think, but it was getting late, so I saved and quit. I did realize that when we get as far as Nibelhiem in the RP, if there's anything up in the mountains at all, which seems likely, Asher is going to have a great bit 'OMGWTF?!' moment, because FF7 monsters are on crack. And also largely don't live inside Midgar. It'll be all 'Aaaargh why is this giant bird trying eat me?!'

Ah, I love video game crack. And now, I sleep, in preparation for my six and a half hour shift tomorrow x.x


momijizukamori: (Default)

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