momijizukamori: (Default)
Started playing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask today on a total whim. While I watched Ben play a lot of it, it was about three years ago, and I had forgotten how delightly strange it is. And also how unbelievably creepy the Happy Mask Man is. I'm currently part-way into the Woodfall Temple, and I'll probably pick it up again when I get home from work tomrorow. The BGM is awesome, too.

I also picked up FF7 again, in the hopes that this time, it wouldn't crash right after the JENOVA battle at the end of disc 1, and it didn't, thankfully. I'm almost through Gaea's Cliff, I think, but it was getting late, so I saved and quit. I did realize that when we get as far as Nibelhiem in the RP, if there's anything up in the mountains at all, which seems likely, Asher is going to have a great bit 'OMGWTF?!' moment, because FF7 monsters are on crack. And also largely don't live inside Midgar. It'll be all 'Aaaargh why is this giant bird trying eat me?!'

Ah, I love video game crack. And now, I sleep, in preparation for my six and a half hour shift tomorrow x.x


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