
Jul. 21st, 2012 02:16 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
I keep telling myself I should post more, but I have all these think-y thoughts that I'm having trouble coalescing into actual post form. And there's not much point in talking about real life because as anyone who follows my plurk knows it's like 60% 'I HATE MY JOB ARGH I NEED A NEW JOB LIFE SUCKS' which... well, it could be worse, but it could be a lot better too. But this job is $14/hr and has extended insurance so until something in my field actually calls me for an interview, I'm stuck with the frustrating job.

In between that, I have mostly been RPing and sewing. Current projects have been my steampunk outfits, which are coming along fairly well, and assorted bits and pieces of cosplay things. I did get my nice big order of four shades of purple dye for Tieria the other day, so drafting something out based on that may be my next project. I'm also kind of knitting again, though this means mostly picking at the Sock That Never Ends. I want to love sock knitting so much but it hasn't been working. Progress pics mostly get put on my plurk for the whole INSTANT GRATIFICATION thing but now that we have image hosting I may post here, too.

Design/dev-wise, I have totally managed to fall off my learn-to-code bandwagon. I think I'm having a problem where I'm sort of at an intermediate stage where a lot of the simple exercises that learn-to-code books/sites present bore me because they're too easy, but I'm still not ready to dive in DW's codebase because huge and very mature (or, as [profile] denise put it, 'our code base is old enough to have an account under COPA'). And I can't come up with a good intermediate project to do, which is what I need to learn.

I also haven't really had the creative energy for design - I think it's all being eaten by sewing right now. I did however dump some content into my cosplay site in hopes of motivating myself to finish it up, and I drafted up a layout design after about four hours of frustration:
cut for size, etc )
I'm not totally sold on the drop shadow effects - I'm not sure if they're too much or not. All the text will be actual text on the site, not graphics - I just wanted to add nav to the mock-up to see how it looked. The header image may also make a reappearance as a Heads Up theme :)
momijizukamori: (Default)
I started documenting my cosplay stuff on Tumblr because of the ease of posting short posts and mixed media posts (text and pictures, for example). And then I started actually writing about costumes and costume-making and it basically turns into GIANT ESSAYS and then I think I am maybe missing the point of Tumblr.

(do I have a thousand-word draft of working with plastics saved to finish off at some point? Yes I do.)
momijizukamori: (Default)
This was born out of a Skype conversation with [ profile] nique a few weeks ago (by way of the Dewey decimal system, incidentally). Basically - being a design nerd, I ended up going off on a long rant about how basically every cosplay community site (ie, places you can join rather than an individual or group's personal cosplay page) has the worst interface ever (or absurd arbitrary rules for joining, for the few I haven't tried), and are terrible at actually sharing information about costumes and process, which is ostensibly what they are about. And she replied that in the cosplay community nobody cares about process, so why would they bother? Which, honestly, is completely true, and kind of depressing.

longwinded rambling within )

Unfortunately, getting a community site off the ground is a lot of work, both in coding and in attracting enough users to make it a viable community. My smaller goal is to maybe code an easily deployable content management system (like the blogging software for your webserver. Hopefully someone other than me actually knows about those these days....) that would make adding costumes easy. You wouldn't be able to interlink things the way you could on a community website, but you could do everything else, and have skinning functions, too.

Of course, first I gotta learn Perl *g*
momijizukamori: (Default)
So I made a cosplay tumblr so I can stop spamming the shit out of Plurk and my blog with WIP photos and ramblings and tutorial links. Is there any interest in me setting up a syndicated feed account for it on DW, for non-tumblr users?
momijizukamori: (Default)
Because the rest of my life can be summed up as Book-Off is awesome, and I have spent way too much time playing Pokemon Diamond this week. So, first off, stuff I want to do I forgot to mention in my last post -

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - Dawn: Because she's adorable and sometimes my inner twelve-year-old girly-girl needs to get out sometimes. I am not sure if I'm cute enough for this, but damnit, I will try anyway. This may involve Jon doing like...Empoleon gijinka, because I love my giant death penguin.

Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss for me, Dist for Jon, because he does the creepy smile really well and is all gangly. Sadly, there is no good way to tote around a giant armchair at a con, but it'd be fun to be snarky all day.

I have also wound up volunteering to help other people with cosplay, some of it in return for favors. So I've got Toboe pants and wig to make, in return for a cute Elena and Sougyo no Kotowari (yesssssss I have teeny adorable zanpakuto. ONLY ONE, but one is cute enough). I'm also helping Yana and Charlene with their Loveless cosplay - Ritsuka and Soubi - because I like helping my friends be awesome.

And entirely unrelated to cosplay, but totally nerdy anyway - I am going to make myself a Minazuki backpack. It will be the epitome of ugly-cute, and it will be very fuzzy. I'm still trying to decide if it should be messanger bag style, or of those single-shoulder strap backpacks, with the wings as straps. I may have to do a muslin mock-up and decide. My one requirement is that it be big enough to hold my laptop.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Finally! For those interested in browsing on their own, the main gallery starts here, Turks photoshoot stuff starts here, and Bleach stuff starts here.

Going to go ahead and embed some of my favs, too - just a warning that it'll be image-heavy. I know some of the resized versions are a little artifact-y, but the page links have the big version too.

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momijizukamori: (Ukitake | niko niko)
I've edited like 90% of my Sakuracon photos, but the internet is being fussy again (and I think 'fussy' is the best word here, really) so they won't go up until this weekend. I also prep-weeded most of my garden today, hooray!

Near-Future Stuff
(Don't want to say 'AE stuff' because I have more plans than there are days of the con)
-Shinra spruce-up - no shoe-failure, Elena wig that does not look like Lady Gaga reject, bonus Papa Shinra and Scarlet outfits. May need emergency Seattle day trip planning to engage in Dark Nation rescue mission (as it appears he did not make it all the way home with me, cry)
-Summoner Yuna spruce-up - Some little things on various pieces, making a new head for the staff, boots that don't pinch my toes, trim the wig down
-Bleach - ZANPAKUTO, making peasant shoes that don't destroy feet (and can survive damp - I made the mistake of putting the damp waraji in a plastic bag to pack and then forgetting about them and I discovered today that they were fuzzy :<). Possibly include new people in our mad Bleach cosplay adventures, but that's up in the air.
-Wonder Chef and Dark Chef - All new! I have Wonder Chef fabric and may go ahead and cut out the pants and vest this weekend. I look forward to building six foot tall forks
-Advent Children Rufus - Needs suit fabric so I can actually make the suit, Jellova

Far-Future Stuff/Brainstorming
-Integra - have fabric! Have no desire to try to make it for AE though because I'm a little burnt out on suits
-Braska and Auron - have been tossing the idea around with Jon for a while, because he'd make a cute young!Auron. Really intricate, though, so I'm not sure when I'll have the time for it.
-Nanoha something or other - Maybeeee? I love the character designs - would probably go for Hayate or Signum myself, but again, intricate.
momijizukamori: (Default)
-Turks cosplay semi-saved by mad dash to Dressew to pick up cheap blond wig. It's rather Lady Gaga, but...better than nothing?
-We had an epic shoe failure - Jon forgot his dress shoes and only had his black hiking boots, and then I left my nice boots for Rufus and my boots for Sailor Uranus sitting in my kitchen.
-Luckily I failed so much that I actually left the house in my old scrubby Rufus shoes, which I wear when I'm just going out really quickly (such as back and forth trips to load luggage), instead of changing into my sneakers. Unfortunately this means I have no comfy shoes here.
-FOUR HOURS OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT YAY only not really yay at all
-Missed the FF photoshoot (AGAIN) because the line up for people who had pre-regged was two and a half hours long
-"Wow, I think those are the best Turks I've ever seen!" "Nah, it's cheating because they're Asian." (3/4 of my Turks are Chinese)
-Many mad props for the group in general which filled me with glee
-Bought pretty Jade doujin! And BPAL. And I will probably buy more BPAL tomorrow and...maybe some doujin from the Annoying Yaoi Guy (although the really annoying one isn't here - some other slightly less shouty dudes are manning the booth this year it seems)
-The amount of eBay Bleach cosplay at this con depresses me. Particularly the people who bought captain's haori and look nothing like the captains they're supposedly cosplaying. Like...not even trying to look like them.
-Awesome cosplay of Friday, though: big Tales of the Abyss group, Sode no Shirayuki with an amazing wig, MASTER CHIEF, Izanagi
-Using and abusing the power of eight seatbelts in one car. The abuse mostly because my car rides looooooow.
-Went here for dinner. Ate two dozen eggs between four people (another nine eggs were eaten by three people - almost three dozen eggs total)
-"So, the cure for homosexuality is to suck a whole carton of dicks."
-The answer to life, the universe and everything: 42. The question: What stall did I park my car in?
momijizukamori: (Default)
Part of my brain is asking 'why is that I always want to just blog lots when I have tons of shit to do?', but I know the answer is that tons of shit to do = tons of shit to blog about. I have done ridiculous amounts of handsewing over the last few days, and somewhat amazingly actually have gotten most of it done. I think there's a few little bits on the suits, and I need to do the handsewing sections on the hakama, but that is all! I also ran out of suit-thread again. I think I may have passed the 1.5 km mark on 'amount of thread used', which means I have to not sleep in 'til five tomorrow like I did today (note for my purposes 'tomorrow' = 'the time after one REM sleep cycle from now') so I can go to Fabricland.

Jon and I also played more Tales of the Abyss, and while the game's hardcore railroading is getting old, I actually finally see why people like Luke. Hooray, character development. And Jade continues to be an amazing magnificent bastard :') I have a soft spot for that character type - although only when they're good guys. In out-and-out baddies it just annoys me (see: Aizen).

Only one progress photo for today - Kyouraku's pink monstrosity, which is very big, very pink, and I hope will look less like a bath robe when it's on top of kimono and the other haori.

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momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
Posted mostly for the edification of Mara-cookie, who understands how I feel about these things, but also because eeee fancy fabric. So. Fabric I've bought so far for AC!Rufus (yes, I am going to make the absurd pants):

- 2 yards of black cotton/linen blend
- 2 yards of white pure linen
- 5 5/8 yards of ivory tricotine wool
- 1 yard of heavy black satin
- 1 yard of heavy black polyester lining

It turns out AC!Rufus's suit jacket has a subtle white-on-white pinstripe - so subtle that you can only see it in a five second shot in the high-def version of AC. I decided that there wasn't any real way of capturing that in the real world (if the pinstripe is there it's going to be really obvious), not to mention that finding a fabric like that would basically be impossible, so I am skipping out on it, though it makes my accuracy-minded soul burn. I also think I'm going to do a very narrow zipper like the Turk suits have in the interests of preserving my own sanity (the jacket appears to have no fasteners at all in the few clear shots of it)


May. 9th, 2009 11:22 pm
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
First week back at work = madness. The department manager is on vacation, so of course that's the cue for everything to go wrong - suppliers screwing up orders, people pulling no-shows for shifts, etc. Four days a week with two eight am shifts (meaning six am wake-ups) is hard to get used to, too, but I keep reminding myself of all the awesome stuff I will finally have the money for.

On the cosplay front, the bodysuit for Uranus is basically done - just need to hem the neckline and add snaps to attach the collar with, and then decide if I want to attach the bows permanently or make them removable as well. Then it is accessory time \o/

Also, my washing machine picked tonight to flood over (well, more accurately, the drain for the washing machine flooded, not the machine itself). GG, life.
momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
Stuff for AE, mostly, as that is next in line.

Super Sailor Uranus (which I have been working on all week)
-Back bow, collar and choker are all done
-Skirt is lined and ironed but not pleated and attached
-Front bow needs little heart charm, otherwise done
-Have (hideously expensive) leotard fabric, must find a store that actually carries Green Pepper or Kwik Sew patterns
- Boots and gloves - not started. Couldn't find any good base shoes for less than $30 at Payless, so it's thrift store time

-Must solve wrinkly fabric issue QQ
-Black glove still MIA (if I have to buy a third pair of those I will be angry - first pair fell victim to mold in sketchy basement suite)
-Must acquire stuffed black panther to transform into Dark Nation (Jon finally solved the 'cat or dog?' Dark Nation debate - the answer is 'displacer beast')
-Shotgun - discover who has power tools I can borrow >___>
-Order blue contacts now that I know precisely how blind I am
-Low Priority - buy a real black turtleneck (while Rufus wearing TB!Subaru's shirt amuses me, it means I can't do any jacketless photos without looking silly), sew matching vest (Three-piece suit yeaaaaah)

-Buy a new leg holster buckle
-See: gloves for Rufus
-Belt pouches? Probably too poor for this summer, though
-chest strap and and knife sheath for the shoulder holster
-fake guns that don't look like crap (again, probably too poor XD)

Also, I am totally wearing Rufus to this because Rufus is awesome and classy and would totally go to fancy concerts with his bodyguard.
momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
Dear Mom,
I love you, but you are crazy and disorganized (see: matador pattern instructions inside zoot suit pattern envelope), but without your crazy fabric/pattern min-maxing, there is no way I would have fit all of this on the fabric I had.

Dear Blazer Pattern,
You are strange and full of lots of fiddly bits. I knew there was a reason I had never made a suit by hand before, and now I know it.

Dear Fabric,
Ahahaha, bet you didn't think I'd ever do that, did you!

Dear Self,
Remember why you hadn't started on this project already? Yeah, I though so.

(Yeah, I finally got around to chopping up the fabric I bought three years ago for Rufus. It's...a bit crazy, really. Three different patterns, two of which I'm modifying heavily. Still need to buy lining, interfacing, and the contrast fabric for the pocket trim and collar.

Also, anybody have experience buying coloured contacts? While I have prescription lenses, I've always let my mother pick out the brand, as she wears contacts all the time, and I wear them about six times a year. I'd like to get some blue ones, though, and I really have no clue what's good - I've got medium-brown eyes, and will probably need to buy one of the more 'expensive' brands, as the power for my left eye is -8.00, and most of the cheaper ones seem to only go up to -6.00)
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Because when I want to avoid homework, I research cosplay stuff! Pants are easy now that I've got a brand, care of the too-big pair (Propper International, and they're BDUs for those interested). The thigh holster is pretty easy, too, because it's nylon and an incredibly common style, so some ebay hunting should turn up a good deal.

The shoulder harness is harder - the closest I've find in new manufacture is Galco, which is 1) really expensive new 2) not totally accurate (much as we'd all like to believe that all of this is actually military-issue, there's bits here and there where I think the designers made shit up) - I may hunt ebay for that, or possibly do horribly indecent things to some cheap leather belts. He's got a double mag pouch on the right side which looks pretty much exactly like Galco's - the left is harder to tell, it looks like it may be a single horizontal mag pouch, but it's really unclear (I can pretty much only see it on the menu screen, with the Red 9 or semi-auto rifle equipped). I also have no idea where that cross-chest strap is coming from - I've never seen it anywhere else on shoulder holsters. It's also worth noting that the knife sheath isn't part of rig - it's held on with some heavy-duty black tape XD;

Gloves and belt and accesory bags I'm still investigating (watch, I'll make another post in half an hour with those, too), although I realized the other day I can totally re-use the gloves for Rufus (hooray one official art image). Gun-wise, if I opt to buy something new instead of using my cheap-ass dollar store one (it's as nice as some airsoft ones I've seen for three or four times the price), I'm going to go with the Blacktail, which the RE fanboys with too much free time inform me is a Springfield Armory XD-9, because I can use it for Ada, too.

I also need to cave and buy an actual binder - not just for Leon, but I've reached the point where I just can't do the ace bandage thing any more (there's a reason I did Virgil and mafia!Leon all Yaoicon), and Leon's the first new one I'm doing that needs binding. Underworks is looking like the best, but I'm going to investigate further. I may also cave and buy blue colored contacts, for Leon, Rufus, kind of Sephiroth (his are green, I know - I just need something lighter than brown).

Oh, any budding Leon cosplayers on the flist looking for a pair of pant? I'm trying to figure out what to do with the too-big pair - they're medium-short, so 31-35 waist and 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 inseam (which means if you're taller than 5'8", they'll be too short), and despite being used (as I got them at a thrift store) in great shape. Dark navy, poly/cotton ripstop. Too poor to give them away, sadly, but $15 plus shipping is a lot cheaper than anywhere else online.
momijizukamori: (Default)
New year, new cosplay post. Not all of these will be done this year, but I'm going to do my best.

Almost Done
- Ada (needs wig, choker, gun, and some shoe touch-up. Kei-kon, maybe?)
- Sephiroth (shoulder armor and belts. I really don't know, the first is hard)
- Mafia Leon (wearable, but I need to do the Chicago Typewriter)

- Default Leon (needs pants that fit, gloves, gear. SakuraCon)
- Rufus (needs coats, gun, hair stuff. I've got fabric. SakuraCon, maybe?)
- TB Seishirou (Wig. Whenever Amber wants me for it)

Want To Do
- Vergil (Big and high on the list, but I need a Dante and decent PVC supplier first. Would like to do for Yaoicon, but I dunno)
- Something Torchwood (just an idea right now - either Jack or Ianto)
- Asher (here just because I'd need people to go with, and there is nobody at the moment, I think)

Cons: Kei-kon (depends on some friend situations), SakuraCon (almost definately), Anime Evolution (almost definately), Yaoicon (if I can afford plane tickets)

Anything I may have promised people and am missing? Anything people want to drag me into XD;? Oh, and anyone good with make-up? I need pointers really badly. I'd also like to get some better photos of some of my older stuff - mostly my hair looks _awful_.

EDIT: 'Cause Ammie reminded me - Teen!Sei - needs wig, collar pins, and at this point, new pants, because the pair I was going to use are now more dark grey than black. And a Setsuka.
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Managed to find awesome presents for four different people today, as well as the elusive black long-sleeved shirt I've been looking for for months now (AKA Asher-shirt). They were $10, so I bought two. New clothing quest - short-sleeved silver button-down to wear over Asher-shirt for club-type things. And because it would be awesome. I also managed to box all the cookies up, and they will be in the mail in the next couple of days. I think pretty much everybody I have an address for is getting something, save people I'll be seeing in person soon.

I also packed for my flight, which ended up being a bit of a nightmare, but it's done. I leave Logan at 5pm, get into Vancouver at 10pm and will probably take a cab home (luggage + bus + 11pm = NO). So this will be my last post before Canada, most like, unless Chicago has free wireless.

And fun fact of the day! Leon's jacket is really obviously a bomber jacket, but more specifically it's a B-3 bomber jacket, which I think was used during WWII, and Wiki tells me that most of the bomber crew other than the pilot wore them, usually. More importantly, though, there's about four or five places that do reproductions, which is nice, as I was previously informed that repros didn't exist and you _had_ to buy vintage.


EDIT: I lie, looks like it's actually a B-6. Which it seems that there may also be repros of avalible (the difference between it and the B-3 are small - one collar strap rather than two, and shoulder straps)


momijizukamori: (Default)
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