momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
Now that I've actually read some of the info (look, I've been busy), and thus _have_ thoughts. The combo system sounds awesomely sexy - kind of like DMC3 and KH's bastard love-child. And there are some who are probably rolling their eyes at that, but I did find KH's combo system fun, just too easy. I don't actually mind the lack of style actions, because other than Dark Slayer, I never really used any of the style commands. I will, however, probably be a bit disappointed if it turns out Nero genuinely doesn't have any secret connection to Dante. Because then they're just sort of reusing character designs, and that's lame. I'm also definately digging the new scenery, particularly that it has more outdoor sections, and seems to have lightened up a touch from the overwhelming WoD-style thing they had going for a while. Dante wearing the manbra again? Because dude, no. Shirtlessness is aaaaall good by me, but the manbra is just silly.

Oh, and Nero's gun has totally got me thinking about how that would be mechanically possible (which it would, pretty easily), and kind of hanging my head in frustration at the phrase 'vertically double-barreled' which to me just comes off as awkward - the usual terminology is 'over and under', I think, although that's in shotguns - I've never heard of double-barrelled rifles or pistols, although they may exist.


Nov. 17th, 2005 04:13 pm
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
It's official. Thursday is my least favorite day of the week, even more so than Monday. Why? I have classes from eight 'til three, a Java lab which always takes me an extra hour or two at home to complete, more of the impossible Calculus homework (I understand everything we go over in lecture, and then get 70s on all the homework assignments), and work for three and a half hours. Ugh.

On an entirely different note, I finished Devil May Cry 3 Tuesday afternoon. The ending made me tear up, which doesn't usually happen for video games. You should all go out and play it, it was really awesome. Even if the camera angles still suck. But it's got Vergil! Who I am giving in and cosplay, because guh. That man is hot. As are his clothes.

...I am so very very failing Calc 2. Or at least just barely passing.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Being pretty doesn't get you out of this one, dear brother. Twelve times in a row now I've been totally owned. This is the height of uncool.

Also, to my copy of Good Omens - what is it? Why do you keep disappearing on me? Do I just not read you enough or something? I just want to share the love.

I have also now taken the SAT I again, aquired a new car, written almost three hundred words of Eva-Sparda fic (And they haven't even started talking yet, this is spiraling out of control), and bleached my hair platinum blonde. Like Malfoy-blonde. Eventually it'll be white, but I have to track down toner. Yes, there will be photos.

I'm so exhausted. Have been since school started, but the last two weeks have been particularly bad. I hate this.
momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
Yes, still here, just got buried under homework for a bit - guess karma decided to get back at me for spending all vacation slacking and playing Devil May Cry. But I'm caught up, at last, and my MIT application is in the mail and I don't have to worry about it any more.

Halloween dance was surprisingly fun. I wore the Sun Fairy outfit, and my brother and I threw together a necromancer thing for him to wear. Some of the music kind of sucked (agh, hip-hop), but I got up and danced anyway and generally had a good time.

Trick-or-treating was suprisingly fun - I did end up going as Virgil (or Vergil, take your pick), and I went with Winter, who was a doll, her friend Jason, who was a hick, and also my cousin/boyfriend, apparently (I guess both Vergils are two-timing whores XD;? Sorry Dante), and Jon, who was a mage, yet again. I got tons of candy, and also made the discovery that you shouldn't try and argue with D&D/Forgotten Realms fanboys about anything having to do with either, because they always feel that their side is the right side, or even that it's the only side. Which means I probably won't be part of your game if you start one up, Winter, because I'll spend the whole time wanting to kill your brother and boyfriend.

Other than that, I've been playing way too much Devil May Cry 3. Seriously, the game is addictive, although more challenging than the first one. Unfortunately, the camera angles still haven't been fixed, but the save system is better, and the bosses require strategy more complicated than 'hit them over and over as hard as you can'. We also bought the first Prince of Persia game, and I proved that I'm way better at puzzles than Ben by getting over the section he was stuck on in two tries. It's waiting for when I get truely stuck in DMC3.

I'm also contemplating setting some sort of creative challenge for myself this month...not actually NaNoWriMo, because I'm fully aware of my writing limits and couldn't manage nearly two thousand words a day on a bunch of projects, much less one. But I've been feeling inspired recently, and I kind of want to do something with that (Well, other than writing Eva/Sparda fic in my head during calc - yes, I've got a het OTP now)...I'm just not sure what a realistic goal for me is, though.
momijizukamori: (Sephiroth :: God)
Because Ari did it first, and then I added on to the list of songs that are good for playing DMC3 (especially boss battles) to. Re-uploaded her's, because the link's probably dead by now, and added my two, which come care of my brother.

MDFMK - Witch Hunt
Lightning Bolt - Dracula Mountain
Lightning Bolt - 2 Towers

The Lightning Bolt stuff is definately background music-ish - you'll probably be bored if you just sit there listening to it, but it's great for playing video games to. I generally put these three on a playlist, and just hook it up to the speakers instead of the PS2.
momijizukamori: (Default)
...Starting with the latter. Finished Devil May Cry last night, somewhere around the seven and a half hour mark according to my save file. Definately a lot of fun, if short. I still bemoan the shitty camera angles (particularly as there are jumping puzzles), but otherwise excellent. Definately going to have to track down Devil May Cry 3 - I think Michelle owns it. As for the ending, staying as spoiler-free as possible - wow, they totally looked like they were about to kiss. Someone's got a bit of an Oedipus complex there.

I also finished re-reading Black Sun Rising, and am now trying to convince myself that attemping to put together a Gerald Tarrant fansite is a Bad Plan, because I am awful about writing content. But I have to say, the thought that once upon a time, he was a little wussy girly-boy who got beat up by his older brothers. Kind of like Vanyel, really, except Vanyel sat around angsting and being bitter about it, while Gerald grew up, because smart, rich, powerful, then sacrificed his wife and children, and his humanity, for immortality, and promptly brutally murdered aforementioned older brothers. I somewhat admire his directness.

Anyway, people who like fantasy out there should totally read the Coldfire Trilogy, because it is some excellent stuff. It's by C.S. Friedman.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Was chatting with some of the ladies from the Aquarobics class after they were done, and learned I'm not the only one that hates Bob (my boss's boss). Apparently on top of telling me to clean the hair out of the floor drains in my free time, he's also been the source of lots of scheduling trouble, as well as one of the reasons my previous two bosses left - the other being that they weren't getting paid enough, which I can totally believe. Bleh. At least they fixed the vacuum.

On an entirely unrelated note, I'm at the final boss in Devil May Cry. Probably could have beaten him tonight if I really felt like it, but eh, save it for tomorrow. This is totally going to be the fastest I've ever finished a game - under two weeks. I also vote that we should give Dante's Tacky Red Coat a name. Just because. Suggestions, anyone XD?
momijizukamori: (Sephiroth :: God)
I went out and spent money today! Mostly on gas and video games. Bought Katamari Damacy, because I kept swearing I would, and Devil May Cry, because Jo told me to. And I do what Jo tells me to XD Initial thoughts:

Katamari Damacy
This game is crack. A lot of crack. But in a good way! I did the first couple objectives before getting stuck and moving on, but what I played, I liked. The controls take a little getting used to, but after one or two tries, they're not bad. The music is fun and catchy, the King of the Cosmos is both amusing and scary, and crabs make the best little squealing noises when you roll them up XD I expect to get thoroughly caught up in it once I get the hang of things a little better.

Devil May Cry
Totally Resident Evil and Shadow Heart's bastard child, in a good way. And the first bit of that may be particularly true - it looks suspiciously like Capcom reused bits of the RE engine for this game. This means that the graphics and atmosphere are beautifully dark, with the style of Shadow Hearts, but the camera angles and controls suck. Seriously. I've gotten really used to a certain control set-up I always use, and having the 'confirm' button where I'm used to 'cancel' being does not do good things. That aside, though, the combat feels really nice (About time I admit this - I do <3 RPGs, but only for the story. Hate turn-based battle, and I far prefer action/adventure-style gameplay), which I like. There does seem to be enough variation that it's not just hitting one button over and over and over. Addictive, so far, although I'm wondering what the hell is up with the talking molten lava spider XD

(Also, damnit people, post on Shinra's Finest XD;;)


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