momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
Yes, still here, just got buried under homework for a bit - guess karma decided to get back at me for spending all vacation slacking and playing Devil May Cry. But I'm caught up, at last, and my MIT application is in the mail and I don't have to worry about it any more.

Halloween dance was surprisingly fun. I wore the Sun Fairy outfit, and my brother and I threw together a necromancer thing for him to wear. Some of the music kind of sucked (agh, hip-hop), but I got up and danced anyway and generally had a good time.

Trick-or-treating was suprisingly fun - I did end up going as Virgil (or Vergil, take your pick), and I went with Winter, who was a doll, her friend Jason, who was a hick, and also my cousin/boyfriend, apparently (I guess both Vergils are two-timing whores XD;? Sorry Dante), and Jon, who was a mage, yet again. I got tons of candy, and also made the discovery that you shouldn't try and argue with D&D/Forgotten Realms fanboys about anything having to do with either, because they always feel that their side is the right side, or even that it's the only side. Which means I probably won't be part of your game if you start one up, Winter, because I'll spend the whole time wanting to kill your brother and boyfriend.

Other than that, I've been playing way too much Devil May Cry 3. Seriously, the game is addictive, although more challenging than the first one. Unfortunately, the camera angles still haven't been fixed, but the save system is better, and the bosses require strategy more complicated than 'hit them over and over as hard as you can'. We also bought the first Prince of Persia game, and I proved that I'm way better at puzzles than Ben by getting over the section he was stuck on in two tries. It's waiting for when I get truely stuck in DMC3.

I'm also contemplating setting some sort of creative challenge for myself this month...not actually NaNoWriMo, because I'm fully aware of my writing limits and couldn't manage nearly two thousand words a day on a bunch of projects, much less one. But I've been feeling inspired recently, and I kind of want to do something with that (Well, other than writing Eva/Sparda fic in my head during calc - yes, I've got a het OTP now)...I'm just not sure what a realistic goal for me is, though.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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