Game List

Nov. 3rd, 2006 11:38 am
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Because kidavi inspired me - what I'm playing right now, and what I want to play, spoiler-free. Making lists, yay!

I <3 lists. And games )

...I mourn the period of my life where I just played Final Fantasy games. That was sad. And no, FF wasn't my introduction to video games - that honor goes to Zelda, which remains one of my favorite series of all time. Which is probably why action-adventure gameplay is my favorite.
momijizukamori: (Ada/Leon)
Oh, Claire/Leon. I want to love you, I really do. You're sweet, and fluffy, and have some sort of canon basis (more than any of the Leon yaoi-ships), and god knows they both deserve some shred of happiness - Leon in particular. I'm not sure what it is that makes me shy away, though. Maybe because it's a little too much like Asher/Ally (Asher has started bleeding over into my Leon, now...I need to make it stop), which Doesn't Work. Which is probably a topic for another day, because once I get started on those two, I can go for a while. Sigh. Maybe I just need a really, really good Claire/Leon story to win me over.

And Mara wins so much for being willing to edit fic for a fandom she has no part in at one am in the morning. So there will be Ada/Leon soon, once I finish beating it with the Editing Stick. She also gave me an idea for a silly little Ada-drabble, that'll probably get written during Calc tomorrow.

Also, I just realized that in the absence of canon-proof of siblings, I tend to write characters as being an only child. The only three exceptions to this are all OCs - Damien has a younger brother, unamed; Sam has multiple siblings, without ages or names (although as his family has kind of disowned him, they're not really relevent); and Julian, who had an older brother and sister - the brother was kind of important backstory-wise. Arguably, the whole Asher-Ally-Sam-Jey-Damien-Naomi thing is kind of a family dynamic, but it's not really the same. I'm not sure why I do this - maybe because it makes family relationships less complicated to figure out, and, in Asher and Leon's cases (also someone Ally's, but not so much), isolates them. Both of them are kind of lone wolf-type characters - a bit funny, as Asher's personality formed without the influence of Leon's. They are in some respects very, very different, but at the same time, they have certain similarities.

Random bit of amusement - I dug up Julian's character sheet - he was for an aborted VtM game - and his older brother's name was Albert. Actually, Albert Edward Delaval Astley, 21st Baron Hastings, because I decided to be neurotic and have Julian come from an actual aristocratic family. But the Albert bit is what's amusing me.
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
Inspired by some comments on Jo's latest game-rant - I can't stand PC gamers with superiority complexes. The fact that your PC costs more than my PS2 does not make you a better person than me, nor does it automatically mean your games are better. There are good games for the PC, and there are bad, just as there are for all the consoles, and all the handhelds out there. And different systems have different sets of good games - this is why I don't play our Xbox at all - from what I've seen, the vast majority of excellent Xbox games are first-person shooters, which hold basically no appeal to me. However, I don't spend my time more or less calling people who do like those - or, hell, PC gamers, for that matter - idiots. And no, this isn't directed at anyone probably actually reading this - I'm mostly just venting so I don't bite anyone's head off over there.

On to fun things! I finished Code: Veronica tonight, so some final assorted thoughts on that, which I will cut this time for spoilers - there are one or two people reading this that haven't played C:V and might. In no particular order... )

Dream City

Mar. 6th, 2006 05:23 am
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So, last night proved that staying up way too late does weird things, although in the best way possible. Fell alseep around seven after staying up talking to Anna for a few hours, and had a dream of this city. There was a big plaza, with shops around it - I don't remember other people being there. Overheard, there was a low, solid cover of light grey clouds - it almost looked like a very high ceiling. In amoung the clouds, I could see the silhouette of a giant archway - it looked liked it was probably stone. The ends were all smooth, but the center portion of the arch was all rubbley. It was rather awe-inspiring, if hard to properly describe.

And now, for the daily Resident Evil ramble. Alfred is now in contention with Steve for the title of 'Ultimate RE n00b', mostly because Ben and I learned today that he does what we refer to as the n00b laugh. It's this really obnoxious, mocking laugh that Ben and his friends do a lot - you kind of have to hear it to understand XD; But Alfred does it. And wow, is he crazy. Also, Wesker showed up! Finally. Although, I have to admit that I like his voice in remake better. The British accent isn't bad, but I really loved the more accentless-but-perfect-enunciation he had going in remake. He is still a snappy dresser, though. And I am willing to accept the hair because Jo pointed out that unlike basically every single Final Fantasy character ever, his hair actually makes sense - he was a research scientist before becoming the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and then moving on to, as far as I can tell, found and run his own evil megacorporation (although he still found time to experiment on himself along the way - go, Wesker-superpowers!). And hair that stays out of your face is good in such situations.

Also, for the 'Cocoa Is An Idiot' file - I decided to do some more wood-carving on the Masamune. In my room. And then my vacuum decided it didn't like wood-shavings, and it took me almost as long to clean up the mess as it took to make it.
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, I went out shopping with my mom today, mostly because she was going to Michael's, and I needed some stuff for various costumes. Of course, as this is my mom, we ended up stopping at roughly four other stores along the way. As a result, I had a rather tasty box of marshmallow Peeps (already consumed), and two new pairs of shoes - one set of four-inch stiletto heels which are going to be either covered or colored black for Ada (The style is perfect, but they're a slightly unattractive print), and a pair of super comfortable dark-brown slip-ons that will work nicely for FF7!Rufus, if/when I get around to it. It probably says something about me that that was the deciding factor - otherwise I would have gone 'Eh, my black shoes still have have some wear left in them', despite the fact that they really are on the verge of falling apart. And then I got some fabric paint for Ada, clip-on earring backs for Yuna, and a new box for letters because my first one is over-full. Oh, and I finally ordered my wig for Sephiroth, and on a whim, got a bottle of Special Effects Blue Velvet hair dye. Because white was a bit of a failure, and I'm tired of blonde. So, dark blue it is.

And for the daily dose of Resident Evil babbling - Ben agrees with me that Steve is the ultimate RE n00b, and shared this with me, which is utterly hilarious. And in the realm of things I meant to post weeks ago but forgot - as frightening as it may be, Leon is stylish and up-to-date on fashion. That sheepskin coat I've mentioned before that he has in RE4? Over the last two months or so, I think I've seen roughly half of the people on campus walking around with that style of coat on.
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
Wow. Steve is such a n00b. Cute, but a total n00b. And argh, Capcom, you were doing so well when you let Jill climb stairs without having to press X in RE3. Why'd you idiots have to switch it back in REC:V?

This entry will probably be updated as I play tonight. Along with a bit of babbling about the end bits of RE Remake for the GC, which I finished the other day.

EDIT: Oh my god, Alfred Ashford is insane. Also the most wonderfully over the top collection of snotty English nobility stereotypes I've heard in a long time (and from that looks of that little video clip, in love with his sister, but who am I to judge?).

EDIT THE SECOND: Okay, enough Code: Veronica for the evening. Which means time for RE rantings. Jill (and assumably Chris, I was playing as Jill) seems like a fairly intelligent person through most of the game. Get near the end, though, and she turns into a total idiot. She grabs Barry's custom magnum and points it at him, demanding explanations, and then five minutes later, she seems to have totally forgotten about all of this. And then, exploring the labs, you find a document of Umbrella security procedures that has Wesker's name in it, and see him in a photo labelled as being an Umbrella research team. He's hard to miss, because he still has those sunglasses on. Harder to identify are Birkin and his wife, but they're there too. And Jill doesn't go 'Hey, why the hell is my boss there?'

And Capcom really needs to get their script writers to cut down on the cheese. 'Jill and Barry, together... in hell!'? WTF, Wesker? Although I think Steve's lines are the worst in terms of making me want to go bang my head against a wall for a while. Yes, even more so than Dante and Leon's oneliners. Because everything that comes out of that boy's mouth is that level of awful.

RE Silly

Feb. 27th, 2006 12:15 am
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
...I think Winamp is trying to cheer me up. I was all 'Argh, I hate the world' and then Dragostea Din Tei, AKA the Numa Numa Song, which is wonderful special crack, and never ceases to make me feel better. I was feeling kind of shafted because I had a down sort of day and then everybody I was talking to decided to wander off at once. Which is probably a sign that I need sleep, which I think I will go do, shortly. Anyway, an amusing anecdote from earlier, when I was playing the RE1 remake for Gamecube, and Ben was watching. It was right as the hunter appears after someone who is probably Wesker shoots Enrico, in the caves.

Me: Hey, how'd that hunter get in here?
Ben: The door, maybe?
Me: Maybe Wesker let it in.
Ben: *rolls eyes* He doesn't control them, you know.
Me: Shhh.
Ben: Daddy Wesker! I bet he pets them and they're all 'purrrr' and do his bidding.

Jokes about daddy Wesker and how he wears his sunglasses at night (it's funnier if you've heard the song) ensued. I'm still undecided on his hair, but man, his voice is sexy in the remake. Up there with Seishirou on the character files, who has the sexiest laugh ever. And entirely unrelated, Skuld wins the internet or something. Because she is just that awesome.


momijizukamori: (Default)

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