momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Because kidavi inspired me - what I'm playing right now, and what I want to play, spoiler-free. Making lists, yay!


Resident Evil 2, which is included because I still have to finish Claire B - did the other three scenarios months ago, but I kind of burned myself out by doing all of them over the course of about a week - I think I spent like six hours straight one day on it - and I just haven't picked it up again.

Final Fantasy 6 is also in that category - I really will finish it, I swear. I'm in the final dungeon, but I need to look up the menu commands and everything again, because I haven't touched it in what is literally years at this point. Also in the category of SNES ROMs I'm picking away at - Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3 (proof that Squeenix can make a game with action-adventure elements that isn't total crack), and the Donkey Kong Country games, because I love me some old-school platformers.

Replays of the moment...I'm working on a Vergil hard game in DMC3: SE when I need to just smash things for a while, and I just ordered a copy of RE4, because I am weeeeak. Yes, I've played it through twice. Yes, I am desperate to play it again (in my defence, it was only $20 for a new copy). stuff! Nocturne, as many people probably know at this point - getting near the end-game point, I think, although I spent all of yesterday afternoon doing some side-stuff - three optional bosses and one Fiend down. I think I may go after the next Fiend on the list (the last one I can reach at the moment) today, although it looks to be a tough battle - my party's strength is definately in the physical, so any bosses with physical immunity are challenging.

I am also trying to play Halflife - 'trying' being the operative word here, because as I think everyone knows now, I don't usually play play FPSs, so me + the controllers = sad. But I'm getting better, and shooting aliens FTW.

EDIT: I totally forgot about Psychonauts - I totally got stuck on the bullfighting world D:


As per my last entry, I may end up getting Persona 2 because I do enjoy Atlus' special crack, I think. And kidavi's post reminded me of it - I've been interested in playing God of War for a while, and the price is way down, which means I have no excuse.

And also per an earlier post - Phoenix Wright. But that requires a DS first, and I am poor D: *needs to work more*

EDIT: And Okami! I forgot it was out.

...I mourn the period of my life where I just played Final Fantasy games. That was sad. And no, FF wasn't my introduction to video games - that honor goes to Zelda, which remains one of my favorite series of all time. Which is probably why action-adventure gameplay is my favorite.


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