momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
Inspired by some comments on Jo's latest game-rant - I can't stand PC gamers with superiority complexes. The fact that your PC costs more than my PS2 does not make you a better person than me, nor does it automatically mean your games are better. There are good games for the PC, and there are bad, just as there are for all the consoles, and all the handhelds out there. And different systems have different sets of good games - this is why I don't play our Xbox at all - from what I've seen, the vast majority of excellent Xbox games are first-person shooters, which hold basically no appeal to me. However, I don't spend my time more or less calling people who do like those - or, hell, PC gamers, for that matter - idiots. And no, this isn't directed at anyone probably actually reading this - I'm mostly just venting so I don't bite anyone's head off over there.

On to fun things! I finished Code: Veronica tonight, so some final assorted thoughts on that, which I will cut this time for spoilers - there are one or two people reading this that haven't played C:V and might.

I would almost feel sorry for Alfred if he wasn't trying to kill me. Because he's so totally pathetic. He's so obsessed with his genius crazy-bitch twin sister that while she's cryogenically frozen he dresses up and pretends to be her, and has conversations with himself. That's just...there are no words, really. Alexia, on the other hand, is really scary, as already mentioned. But she has a pretty voice. And sings. And then the song gets stuck in my head and gives me wierd dreams argh.

I was also kind of sad that Steve died (although I won't be at all surprised if he's back later, what with Wesker's miracles of science and all) - he was a little annoying, but mostly just amusing, and kinda dorky-cute.

On the subject of Wesker - the ending cutscene between him and Chris was the most awesome RE cutscene outside of 4 (It's not really fair to compare the rest of the games to 4, honestly). Wesker is so evil. And awesome. And this game gave more fodder to the 'daddy Wesker' jokes. Because he does control the hunters. To quote Ben, "They know who their true master is. And they love him."

Next up on the RE list - RE:0! But in the meantime I'm going to take a break and work on my KH replay some.


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