momijizukamori: (Default)
I am totally enjoying writing Asher in RR. I think some of this is because somewhere over the last several months, I've settled into him in a way I hadn't before. He was the first character I ever seriously wrote, and in the begining, his characterization was all over the place. Honestly, I cringe a little just thinking about some of the early posts I did for S_F. RR! really what he was intended to be, honestly. The right ratio of asshole to decent human being, at the right times. Only took me, what, a year and a half XD;? I hope Anya doesn't take that long.

And I could ramble about Asher's characterization and personality for paragraphs and paragraphs (as, uh, a few people here know), but for now, have a little Asher and Ally snippet - first time they met, oh so many years ago. I meant to write more of it, but as you can tell by the post date there... no, not gonna happen. S_F-verse, but RR-verse is more or less the same, except they're each two years older, and LA doesn't get nearly as cold as Midgar.

Movie-wise, we saw Children of Men tonight, and I will be a dissenting voice, it seems, and say it was good, but not amazing. The world/setting were well fleshed out (although there was a certain amount of hand-waving in the history that bugged me in what was a rather cyberpunk movie. Cyberpunk thrives on the absence of the hand-waving found in most sci-fi). Unfortunately, the plot was a little simplistic (I guessed pretty much all the ending a third of the way in) which meant the 'this could be us' message was a little heavy-handed. Still, worth at least one watch, if only for the setting.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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