momijizukamori: (Default)
Sollux ([staff profile] momijizukamori) wrote2006-08-18 04:16 am
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A Post of Random

Why is it that the only people that hit on me are guys twice as old as I am? Seriously, this is getting a little annoying D:

And I wish that all my professors had contact info listed online, not just my Bio prof. Because I can get cheap tickets for Y-con, but I have to miss two days of classes because the bus schedule from Vancouver to Seattle is terrible - I thought the commuter rail schedule was bad, but oh man, this is worse. Or that they had syllabi online with important things like whether or not I will fail my English class if I miss the lecture twice, and when midterms are.

...May end up buying the tickets anyway; Southwest is really good about refunds.

Also, the internet has corrupted me horribly. When Futomimi starts talking about 'our motherland', my mind totally imagined him saying it like the Russians in the End of the World flash video, which is more like 'AHH MOTHERLAND!'

And now, self, you will take deep breaths and stop panicking about plane stuff. It will get done, even if you do end up having to pay five hundred bucks to Air Canada. Work on drawing shirtless!Asher more. Or putting together a resume so you can apply for that job you're looking at.

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