Dec. 10th, 2003

momijizukamori: (Default)
Band concert went well. Best we've sounded in a long time, I think. No horrific mistakes or anything! The chorus was great too. They made some of the teachers get up and sing one of the songs with them, Carol of the Bells, which I looove. Mr Hamel looked so nervous on stage.

Sadly, the audience was a little sub par. They were good during the band bit, but they keep yelling stuff out and cheering in the middle of songs, especially these two annoying Hispanic chicks sitting right behind me. Wanted to kill so much >< But everything else was muy excelante.

Today's lunch conversation was pretty amusing too. We were talking about foods and such that were good, and cookie dough and stuff and then Emily is like 'And Anthony's butt, covered in powdered sugar', and me and Anthony were like '...WTF?'. And then Emily accidently body-slammed Moraes through the net in volleyball. My gym class is amusing ^^

Also, I drew fanart ^^! What happens when Cocoa reads Neuromancer with X on the brain. Entirely Ari's fault, as she told me to read the damn book ^^ There's a matching Subaru coming when I, uh, get it done.


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