Mar. 15th, 2004

momijizukamori: (Default)
Because it amuses me, and I need all the amusement I can get right now.

If you call me Ruth, you know me IRL.

If you call me Ruthie, you're either Grace or a teacher who I've had for more than a year or two.

If you call me Cocoa, you know me online, are one of my parents or close relatives, or my Uncle Chip.

If you call me Cocoapuff, you're Winter.

If you call me Miyako, you're one of the Lupinites.

If you call me DarkOwl, you're one of the WWR pack (Although, I've used that SN elsewhere...just can't remember where)

If you call me Maple, you're one of the west-coast gang ^^

If you call me anything relating to how horrible, mean, bitchy, or evil I am, you're one of the guys at school, or my brother.

Aaand...I think that's it, at least of the ones that are still in use. To my knowledge, nobody knows me as my SN/username, or any of the people I cosplay. Any that people know of/call me that I've missed ^^?
momijizukamori: (Default)
I! Have! Link boots! ...Well, okay, they're undetailed Link boots, as I didn't want to dig out the brown thread and re-thread the machine for the stitching on the heel and two pieces. But they still actually look like boots, instead of clogs with faux suede hot-glued on. Now if only I could get the shield and scabbard done.

Unfortunately, I also managed to burn myself with the hot glue gun, and have this nice little blister forming right now. Owwwwww.

However, boots. *dancedance*


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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