Mar. 21st, 2005

momijizukamori: (Riff)
I think my vacation can be summed up as bursts of Doing Things inbetween a whole lot of nothing, ie, sleeping and sitting around my houses. Met Claudia in Framingham, which was nice even if the Fabric Place sucks and has no black wool. We sort of sat around and talked, which was nice.

Mara came over Thursday, and we went out to the mall all cyberpunked up and wandered around and bought food, then sat around listening to songs from musicals with my brother and his friend and singing Phantom songs. We also watched the Empire Strikes Back, and made bad jokes the whole time XD; I also bought a nice crimson dress shirt and a dollar-store wallet, both of which I like.

Saturday and Sunday were largely spent in the Middle Of Nowhere, AKA Yuumei's house. We went to an antique store, wandered around the mall some there, saw Constantine again, and stayed up late talking before getting up Sunday and watching The Secret Garden.

And that was largely it. Man, I so don't want to go back to school tomorrow...

(Oh! Amelia, your package came! It is all shiny, and I didn't have any of those, although had wanted some :D You winz XD;)


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