Apr. 10th, 2005

momijizukamori: (Default)
Had a dream last night that I was trying to throw together a Phantom costume but my hair had magically grown longer and refuse to stay put when I slicked it back. There was also an amusement park with a giant water slide.

I checked out a book on cake-decorating from the library, because it had pretty pictures. I now feel inspired to design my own cake, but I have no cake-decorating skills. Went to see Winter's school put on Guys and Dolls, too. They did a good job except for one of the violinists who was really off-key and too loud >< But the actors did a great job, and I really like that musical, so it was enjoyable.
momijizukamori: (Riff)
I've been meaning to make this entry for a while, but my current discussion with Mara sort of pushed me into actually doing it.

There's a very important lesson I learned a year or two ago, from Winter. I was having a bad day, and we were talking about it, and I said something to the effect that I felt bad about talking about it to her because it was such a small thing and bothered me anyway, and she has so many more problems than I do. And she said something to the effect of 'No, it's still a big thing, because it important to you.'

Which is to say, that something that seems trivial to one person could mean a lot to someone else, and that we shouldn't judge other people's problems, really. I've begun to realize recently exactly how important that gift she gave me was...it's a special kind of trust, to know I can tell her things that bother me without fear that she'll get angry or upset or scoff at me. It's the trust that she won't judge, and I think sometimes, at least to me, that's more important than being able to trust someone to privacy.

It's also something I try my best to offer to all my friends. I hope you all can trust me not to judge ^^
momijizukamori: (PimpDaddy!Alexis)
Yes, new LJ layout, after like a year ^^
Here's my blurb from my userinfo about it:

"Current layout features a cake by Collette Peters, depicted in her book Cakes To Dream On. This particular cake is entitled 'Mad Tea Party', and it felt spring-y and inspirational ^^ Both cake and photo belong to her."


Apr. 10th, 2005 07:52 pm
momijizukamori: (Riff)
I need someone to give me a hug and tell me in a way that actually convinces me, that everything is going to be okay.

This month just keeps getting worse and worse.


momijizukamori: (Default)

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