Oct. 11th, 2005


Oct. 11th, 2005 03:35 pm
momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
No, not another new one. But the extra blog-birthday thing I wanted to get done yesterday was archiving all of my old layouts. They're all now in the sidebar over at the blog, with the exception of 1, which has some sort of file error I need to fix, and 16, which I've unfortunately not been able to dredge up a copy of - I've probably got the original image files in a folder or on a CD somewhere, but I'm just not sure where.

Enjoy the others, though - I'd really like to have a page with my personal notes on each of them at some point, but not today. And yes, I know I apparently lack an inability to count properly. To get things back on the right number, the next layout will probably be 37 instead of 36.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Because I feel the need to share these two with everybody - they've decided to take up residence in the back of my brain this week.

A bit of conversation )

...And, the background:

Isaac )

Raphael )

And this, my friends, is why I probably shouldn't study history XD Because both the names came out of historical things and just kind of built characters around them. Raphael is from Raphael Holinshed, who was an English translator in the 1500s - he's mentioned in the historical context section of my copy of Macbeth. And Isaac, is, of course, from Sir Isaac Newton, although he is neither quite as genius, nor quite as eccentric, as his namesake.

No, I've got no idea what to do with these two. You all may just get little bits and pieces like this.


momijizukamori: (Default)

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