Mar. 5th, 2006

momijizukamori: (Default)
So, I went out shopping with my mom today, mostly because she was going to Michael's, and I needed some stuff for various costumes. Of course, as this is my mom, we ended up stopping at roughly four other stores along the way. As a result, I had a rather tasty box of marshmallow Peeps (already consumed), and two new pairs of shoes - one set of four-inch stiletto heels which are going to be either covered or colored black for Ada (The style is perfect, but they're a slightly unattractive print), and a pair of super comfortable dark-brown slip-ons that will work nicely for FF7!Rufus, if/when I get around to it. It probably says something about me that that was the deciding factor - otherwise I would have gone 'Eh, my black shoes still have have some wear left in them', despite the fact that they really are on the verge of falling apart. And then I got some fabric paint for Ada, clip-on earring backs for Yuna, and a new box for letters because my first one is over-full. Oh, and I finally ordered my wig for Sephiroth, and on a whim, got a bottle of Special Effects Blue Velvet hair dye. Because white was a bit of a failure, and I'm tired of blonde. So, dark blue it is.

And for the daily dose of Resident Evil babbling - Ben agrees with me that Steve is the ultimate RE n00b, and shared this with me, which is utterly hilarious. And in the realm of things I meant to post weeks ago but forgot - as frightening as it may be, Leon is stylish and up-to-date on fashion. That sheepskin coat I've mentioned before that he has in RE4? Over the last two months or so, I think I've seen roughly half of the people on campus walking around with that style of coat on.


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