May. 12th, 2006


May. 12th, 2006 01:36 am
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
This week has been insanely busy - volunteering in the mornings (officially done, yay! Though I'm going to continue anyway), work (we have a radio now, and the pool vac has died again), Tuesday was Senior Night (surprisingly fun), and tomorrow, or rather, later today, is the Senior Breakfast, graduation practice, and then graduation.

Which probably explains why I'm still awake - too nervous to fall asleep. My grandparents are flying up from Florida, and to be honest, I don't really want to see them that much. I actually haven't been in the mood to see much of anyone lately, which is why I haven't been on AIM and stuff much. I think it's the stress - totally just need to crash for a few days when this is all done. Oh, and totally unrelated, but everybody who told me how awesome George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire was are right. Finished A Game of Thrones last night, and I'm going to head to the library ASAP to get the next one.

And I keep saying this, but people totally need to post on Shinra's Finest. Or someone needs to plot with me over in the Lobby or something, because I really want to play with Asher and Ally some. Any takers?
momijizukamori: (Ada/Leon)
So, I'm officially a high school graduate. The whole ceremony was very nice, not too overdone or underdone, as my dad put it. Almost started crying during some of the student speeches, which were really great, but managed not to. My gown was way too narrow in the shoulders and thus looked a bit silly, but I've decided the whole purpose of academic regalia is possibly to make the wearer look as silly as possible. The highter you go, the sillier looking it gets. Mrs. Ferrell came too, which was nice. We went out to eat at the Outback Steakhouse afterwards, and I made myself entirely stuffed on some rather excellent baby back ribs.

I don't think the whole thing has really sunk in yet, to be honest. I'm really tired today, so nothing is really registering.


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