Sep. 6th, 2006

momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
So, have had my first Bio and English classes - I have Chem at noon, and then Physics tomorrow morning, and all my labs start next week. I was a little worried about Bio - it's ecology and evolution, which isn't so much my thing, and it's first thing three days a week, but these were unfounded, as the prof is awesome and British and laughs a lot, and said we don't have to buy the text book, and this his section consistantly has higher averages than the other sections. The English prof is not quite as overwhelmingly awesome, but he's up there - he's from New Zealand, but spent the last several years teaching in the US, and is brand-new (which is why he didn't have an e-mail listed - they wouldn't give him one until today). And he's definately one of of the engaging sorts of humanities profs, and the reading load isn't too heavy. Also, everything totally comes back to Virgil (and I totally typed Vergil there augh).

Anyway, free wireless rocks, my laptop screen is impossible to read in bright sunlight, and I may run and buy a sandwich now. w00t!
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
I need more friends on campus. Preferably ones without a million other friends so I don't feel like a perpetual third wheel. Because exploring Vancouver would be way more fun with someone else.

Also, my Chem prof is also very British, and while less funny than my Bio prof, still awesome.

And someone was playing rock music down the hall at eight am this morning. Not good rock music, either - this was Shinedown or some crap like that (Sorry Jon, but it is crap).

Off to explore by myself, I suppose. No way in hell I'm staying here all afternoon.


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