Oct. 1st, 2006

momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
God, I am such a nerd. I am this close to staying up all night researching the Sephiroth, in part so I can examine how they relate to Nocturne (Hitoshura as Kingdom, and the presence of God on earth? Deep and meaningful, damnit!). Dante, interestingly, appears to be an extra one that isn't always used (Da'at/Daath), which definately makes sense in one context - he's the one that doesn't fit into the order of the others, although I have yet to investigate if it relates more directly to him.

And I realized that you don't actually fight the Fiends in the numerical order of the sephiroth/candelabra, I think - unfortunately the walkthrough I skimmed to compile a list of them only lists the name of the candelabrum you is, not the number you can get by looking at it in the item menu. I'm behind on that, though, so I'm going to try and keep track as I go - I can kind of guess from the names, but they don't use the most common translations, most of the time, liekly because it probably went Hebrew > Japanese > English, or possibly even Hebrew > English > Japanese > English, probably without super-close attention to these nuances because dude, it's a video game XD; But the Sephiroth aren't always traversed in order either, and the different paths taken have different meaning.

And Jo, I'll give you this much - your Aciel is a lot better-looking than Nocturne's. His teeth...wriggle. What the hell. Although the crown makes me think 'punk lolita', which is terribly amusing.


Oct. 1st, 2006 03:08 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
Great big

Happy Birthday!

to Amber, and to Elisha. Hope your special days are good :D
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Anyone want letters? I feel like getting back into the habit of writing letters, and it would give me something to do during my downtime. I only have Jo and Mara's addresses, at the moment, so if you want something, e-mail me: cocoa[at]tokyo-tower.org

On a similar note, I am rather desperate for mail. Any mail. You could write a page and a half about what you ate for breakfast and I'd be happy. I've been feeling really cut-off from my friends here, in part because suddenly everybody is too busy to hang around online and talk to me. Address is here, although custom-locked - if you can't see it and want the address, hit me up on AIM or MSN or e-mail - I'm bad about updating my filters sometimes.


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