Oct. 18th, 2006


Oct. 18th, 2006 04:41 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
If you've got a laptop with you - I'm not coming to the movie tonight, because I am so very, very dead. Sorry ^^;
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
Some good news! My sister in science (the cell bio nerd from the next house over) and I have managed to get places volunteering in the lab of the really cool prof we talked to at the BioSoc info session. It doesn't start until the end of November, as he's got a third-year class he's supervising in there now, but win! And you know you're a Microbi geek when you know the mortality rates for Ebola and Marburg off the top of your head (although I think I may have mixed up the Sudan and Zaire varieties of Ebola).

And not going to the movie tonight was a good idea - I'm dead-tired today, as I woke up several times from rather nasty nightmares last night. And no, not the usually pre-con bad dreams of rushing to finish costumes, or forgetting costumes, or any of that - genuine nightmares. Although totally was a dead kind of day in general, it seemed. Lots of people were really spaced out in Chem lab, more so than usual.

Now - laundry, packing, and making a shopping list for tomorrow. Usual pre-con post sometime late tonight, likely, for the benefit of those leaving tomorrow.
momijizukamori: (Default)
God, it's weird to not be running around trying to do a million costume things right now. But no, nearly almost packed. Just need some AAs and US cash, and to put my food and remaining items in my backpack after I'm done with Bio lab tomorrow. So! Costume line-up is as follows:

Friday - yukata!Tatsumi
Saturday - wedding!Seishirou and mafia!Leon (How long Sei gets worn depends on how much patience I have - it's lovely, but kind of a pain in the ass to wear)
Sunday - Virgil

And I think I can pretty much guarantee I'll be the only person doing any of those at the con, so I should be easy to find. Or find Jo and she can probably point you my way. I'm getting in around five, five-thirty Friday - I unfortunately have no cellphone beause my mom only remembers to do things when they're not in my favor, like cancelling my US cell plan. But yes! Say hello, I don't bite. Looking forward to seeing old friends (okay, granted, I saw half you guys last week XD; ) and meeting some new ones in person :D

(Yeah, a bit early, but this is for the benefit of all the people going Thursday. There may be one last 'Ahhhh must pack con agh!' post tomorrow).

OMG con *bounce*.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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