Oct. 25th, 2006

momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
I just put my finger on one of the things that's been bugging me over the last couple of days, and I poke through Y-con photos - by a certain standard, I'm not a very good cosplayer. Oh, sure, the costumes are beautiful. I am, dare a I say it, excellent at craftsmanship. But the costumes may as well be on a dressform for how they look on me. The one and only character I cosplay that I actually look like the character as is Tatsumi - the rest of the time it just looks like me, wearing someone else's clothing.

I look through the photos and I hate how I look in them - I probably have close to two hundred photos of the various Seishirou outfits I've done, and I don't like any of them. And the same is true for Subaru, and Ada, and Leon. It's so frustrating, because I like the characters, I like making costumes, but I tend to live by the standard of 'if you can't do it well, why bother doing it at all' and there isn't really much I can do to make it any better - yeah, I could maybe improve my make-up skills some, but there's only so much even that can do.
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Y'know, I tend to call myself lesbian rather than bi, because while I do find a number of men aesthetically pleasing, it's always in the objective sense rather than being sexually attracted to them (granted, I'm picky and don't find that many people sexually attractive, so the fact that the few of them are women doesn't mean that much).

But Leon? I would totally do that boy. Mmmyes.


momijizukamori: (Default)

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