Jan. 11th, 2007

Lazy Day

Jan. 11th, 2007 09:34 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
No classes today, because physics labs don't start until next week. So I slept for twelve hours, and wanted to sleep more, but it was four and I had some stuff I wanted to get done today. I'm still exhausted for some reason - I hope it's just jetlag and I'm not getting sick.

The term is shaping up to be busy, but interesting. Chem is going to be almost exactly the same as last term (same prof, same lecture times - I just have a Tuesday morning lab instead of Wednesday afternoon, to avoid the Wednesday From Hell again), which is good. Physics will probably be boring but survivable. Bio should be easy, although still pretty interesting - intro cell bio, using bacteria as a model, and it's administered by the Microbi department instead of the Bio department. All stuff I pretty much know already. Intro to Theatre...I think I'm going to switch this for an English class. It's too abstract and theoretical for me, and the English class means an extra hour of sleep.

I'm working once a week, although I may pick up more shifts 'cause I need the money. My Wednesday night partner is fun - if a plastic flamingo painted bronze apears outside of Buchanan sometime soon....well. Also starting a tabletop campaign soon (finally!) - 50 Fathoms, so Age of Sail meets fantasy. Julie's character is the River Tam of our ship's crew, which, as her older brother, sort of makes my character Simon, except less dumb and more resigned. He's also the pilot/navigator. More on that to come later, most likely.

And I got packages from Melle, Lissa, and Nicole, as well as a card from Amberlee - the food-stuffs are delicious all around (I'll find the cranberry cookies a good home, Nicole - don't worry about it), and Melle, the scarf is adorable. And Matt, I'll be out on the Island next weekend, if Amber didn't already let you know, so don't say I didn't warn you XD;


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