Mar. 25th, 2007

momijizukamori: (Default)
So, the con is in just under two weeks. And we just realized that Julie has no costumes. She'd really like to do Rinoa, which is unfortunately dependent on finding decent fabric for her duster. If we can do that, though, that should be the work of an afternoon or two.

We've also got kind of a spontaneous last-minute Nocturne group going - Justin kind of spawned this one by deciding to cosplay the demifiend 'cause he liked that tattoos. I, of course, went 'Okay, this means I have to do something Nocturne' and ended up settling on everybody's favorite emo kid, Isamu. I've got most of the stuff I need for him, save for some bling and his hat (Liz/Amber - I vaguely recall one of you two owning a black newsboy-style hat - would it be possible for me to borrow it for the con? I'm going to look here, but this is my under-$20 costume >.>). I strongly suspect I may have to steer Justin in the right direction - luckily this mostly entails shorts, body paint, and a haircut. We've also decided, in keeping with this, that if possible, Julie should be Chiaki. This is the hardest of the bunch, although if we can find a large denim dress somewhere, me and my l33t sewing skillz can pull it into shape. The advantage of sewing for someone who isn't me: I can toss stuff on them inside out, pin away, and it actually works out.

Can we pull this off? Only time will tell XD;


momijizukamori: (Default)
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