May. 1st, 2007


May. 1st, 2007 02:45 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Ended up going with place 2 - moving all my stuff tomorrow morning. Not sure what the initial internet situation is going to be like, although I'll still be checking e-mail, LJ, all that, via on-campus wireless if nothing else - I may not be around much on AIM/MSN in the next week or so, though.

Job still hasn't told me when I'm working, which is leaving me annoyed and panicky, and classes start next Monday - I'm taking organic chem for May and the first half of June, to somewhat increase my chances of actually passing it.

Transportation for my tons of stuff was apparently arranged via WoW, proving that my friends are incredibly nerdy, but also very cool for coming out in the morning to help me move said tons of stuff. Seriously, this has to be three times as much stuff as I left MA with last year. Although at least some of it is my massive bag of food for the next two weeks until I actually get paid again.

Will post new address when I've got it (damnit have to remember a new postal code) - goodbye, residence, I will not miss you!
momijizukamori: (Default)
Move was successful, if chaotic. Jordan's pick-up truck and childhood playing Tetris came in handy, and everything has successfully been moved over. I now have $5.50 in my bank account after taking out money to pay rent, but I think the tuition refund may be going through tomorrow, which will leave me in a better state. Finally got contacted by work about orientation - Friday afternoon, which is later than I would like to be starting (my prefered start-time was _last_ week), but...I'll make it work. Internet at the moment is some exceptionally dodgy wireless from upstairs, so I'll probably be using the campus wireless a lot in the next week or two (what I'm on right now).

I was feeling kind of down earlier - moving stress, money stress, all that, but I came and hung out at the clubroom, and one of the guys in my two games showed up, and we hung out for a while, and went over to Drexoll Games to oogle all the pretty things we couldn't buy (they had a d6 block in the same pattern as my original set which I really really want for Shadowrun, but it was $27 D:). Shadowrun is also happening tomorrow night, which'll be good. I try not to be too high-strung, but I'm unfortunately inclined to worry about everything - some relaxed game stuff will be good for me.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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