Aug. 4th, 2007

momijizukamori: (Default)
At Jon's leeching internet at the moment. Dad came and visited for a couple days; we had fun and hung out and walked the Stanley Park seawall - fun, aside from the slight sunburn. He brought a bunch of stuff with him, including caffeinated Mountain Dew, cheap instant ramen, Star Wars books (Should I bring 'em Tuesday, Aaron?) and my 'new' mp3 player. Which has already stopped working. Seriously, jokes about me having gremlins aside, I think using Winamp to transfer songs did something nasty to the firmware - any super-tech savvy people on my flist? I know re-installing the firmware will probably do the trick, but my laptop won't recognize the mp3 is plugged in when it is, and thus refuses to install the firmware. Halp pls D:

Also, have now seen the first half of Cowboy Bebop, which is quite good. I caught bits of the dub on Adult Swim way back when and was kind of 'eh', but watching it in order makes it infinitely better. I'd say more on that later, but with my internet connection (or rather, lack thereof)? Not gonna happen. Maybe when we finish it off.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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