Oct. 17th, 2007

momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
So apparently SR4!Ally is like a kinder, gentler Satsuki - technomancers do what Satsuki does, talk to machines like people. I find this strangely amusing, but must admit that Ally talking the computers into telling her what she wants sounds, well, very Ally-like. And sticking a technomancer in a shielded area is not unlike sticking a normal person in a small, totally dark closet. I kind of want to stat Satsuki up for SR4, but I wouldn't actual play her, because misanthropists are less fun to play in a team setting, and I want to try my hand at a non-hacker at some point. I may actually stat up a version of Tseng, possibly going for a combat-oriented adept, as he's not really a cyberware kind of guy. It wouldn't quite be the same without the subordinates screwing with his stuff and asking if the moldy loaf of bread in the fridge can be be a new team member, but I like playing his personality - dry humor mixed with an ability to be ruthless and very, very dangerous when necessary - and I could make the backstory work out. I dunno, we'll see how long it takes this team to bite the dust XD;
momijizukamori: (Default)
Downside: I managed to accidently throw my two weeks from new CD player into a wall. 'How did you do something like that accidentally?' you say. Well, when you don't realize it's balled up in some blankets, and then toss said blankets onto the bed with a little more force than was probably necessary, this wonderful thing called momentum sends the heavy things flying fast into walls, and scuffing paint. It's toast, and I can't find the receipt, so I'm out $25. This is not a good year for me and personal electronics - two mp3 players and a CD player D:

Upside: I have a shiny new giant silver Ikea bookcase, full of stuff, which means the stuff isn't on my floor, and it actually looks more like I _live_ here now. And I found my Seishirou bling, which I was positive I had lost at a con sometime long ago, and was never going to see again.

Also, OMG, Lady's in DMC4 and wearing hot pants? WTF? Trish too, but she doesn't look any trashier than she did in DMC.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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