Oct. 23rd, 2007

momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So, today started out as a normal bad day - slept badly, felt kinda sick, left my USB mouse at home when I was going to be on campus all afternoon, that sort of irritating shit. And then around seven, I get a call from my landlord, who lives upstairs, saying 'Are you home? The alarm just went off'. And of course, I'm on campus - which means bad things are happening.

Turns out our house was broken into - cops think two people. They got in through one of the windows in my suite, tripping off half the the alarms, went into my bedroom and rifled through the nice-looking jewelry box, taking nothing, pried the door to the the upstairs half open with a crowbar, most likely (the deadbolt was almost totally ripped out of the door), setting off the other half of the alarms, and then riffling through my landlord's bedroom. Luckily, we had some fucking stupid thieves - they only made off with one laptop, which was pretty new and didn't have much installed on it. My video games and systems weren't even touched, including Jon's Wii. They ripped off all the alarm panels, probably thinking that it would kill the alarm (only kills the sound, the control panel keeps sending alerts), but they fit right back in and still work fine. So we're going to beef up security some in hopes of thwarting a second attempt by the same guys.
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So apparently I've got straight Cs in three of my five classes (one hasn't had a midterm yet, and the other isn't marked yet). And then, instead of having fun in Earthdawn, we all nearly died. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat would be nice, if we had more than a fifty percent chance of surviving next week. But we don't, and if we all die then, it makes tonight even more pointless.

I wish I could get a re-do on this week.


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