Nov. 15th, 2007


Nov. 15th, 2007 09:00 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, after metaphorically slapping myself around for being a bit of an asswipe for the last week and a half, things are looking up. I cleaned out my fridge last night, and have been doing laundry today - I should probably do dishes as well, but eh >.> The massive group dice order I organized came in yesterday, so I'm going to go pick it up and pay duty on it today. Project Runway 4 also started airing last night - first episode shows a lot of promise for this season, although I am too lazy to provide further commentary.

After Tuesday night, I've also sat down and done some thinking about Earthdawn stuff. I'm definately going to keep Jorim around in my binder, ready to restat in the future when I've got a good fit for him - the current party was, honestly, not it, which is why I didn't get to do most of the stuff I wanted to with him. I've come up with two different concepts for a new character - I need to do some research on one of them before I make up my mind. They are as follows:

Male human Nethermancer: Original idea was to do something rather TB!Sei-esque - kinda gay, somewhat sociopathic, tendency to give silly cute names to terrifying undead monsters. That idea + this party = NO, though, so I've toned it down to a personality a little closer to how I play Tseng - mostly calm, with just a touch of sarcasm and dry wit. Probably a little less scary than my Tseng, as, well, Tseng is an assassin, essentially, and this guy is not.

Female T'skrang Taildancer: This I need to look up more on, as Taildancers are only in the newest edition, which I don't have PDFs for. But personality-wise - young and energetic, hasn't quite grasped that she isn't invincible yet. Not really violent like Igthakon was, but probably at least a bit physical - not afraid to smack someone she thinks is dumb (although, Aaron, Igthakon fangirl Y/N XD;?). I don't know how well another hyperactive T'skrang would fit with this party, though XD;


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