Dec. 21st, 2007

momijizukamori: (Default)
Went and spent a bunch of Christmas money on video games - I picked up God of War, the first Prince of Persia game, and the first Phoenix Wright game used for $50 or so at GameStop. Also went and saw Across the Universe, which I highly recommend for people who like the Beatles - I enjoyed it immensely.

I've been trying to brainstorm for stuff now that I have time, but I've been hitting a major block, on everything. Which is bad, because I really wanted to get a Mage character totally done before I got home, and I could really use new layouts around here. I dunno, I may look through some of the WoD books again and see if anything jumps out at me - I know what Path I want, and probably what arcana, but I just can't come up with a concept I really like.

I also forgot how totally boring it is here. Everyone on my family just kind of goes off and does their own little thing, and I can't go anywhere without a car - not that there's many places to go. Ugh.

On the Web

Dec. 21st, 2007 01:02 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
Just renewed for another year - this year makes five years I've had it registered - I can't believe it's been that long. I really haven't been doing much with it lately - just my blog and photos, mostly. I've come to the realization that none of my fansite projects are ever going to be done, although I still would like to put together a cosplay website. I've become a bit disillusioned of fandom as of late, but I'm still interested in costuming (although I've had no time to actually work on it). I'm thinking of doing some sci-fi/fantasy stuff for NorWesCon in the spring - either something Earthdawn (because I really like the art style and clothing designs used in a lot of the books), or a set of Vulcan robes, after the discovery that Enterprise actually has lots of Vulcan bits in it, as opposed to the five minutes of those two guys in First Contact.

Also, I am going to kill the roofers next door, who started pounding (and I mean pounding; it sounded like someone was hammering on _our_ wall) at 9:30 this morning. I'm on vacation damnit, I want to sleep.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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