Feb. 1st, 2009

momijizukamori: (Astareal)
-Spilling warm bacon grease all over your hand feels really gross (I though it had solidified, okay?)
-I have a microwave now \o/ It was a Christmas present from some friends, and has already been used to great effect.
-I know this labels me as a sad ultra-nerd, but I would totally cosplay my belf mage in Tier 6 (mine has different hair, but the model viewer's response to mage tier 6 textures is to choke and die right now). I know I'm frequently known to mock it for being TK on your heaaaaad, but it's actually very pretty once you get passed that.
-Got my bottom two wisdom teeth out last Wednesday, doing pretty well aside from the fact that the left one is still bleeding just a touch, and the dissolving sutures have not yet dissolved and as such keep getting caught on food I'm trying to eat.

I have various Real Posts(tm) laying around half-written or half planned, but this week is kind of a Hell Week - two science papers due last Friday, two midterms tomorrow, two English papers due Wednesday - so I have spent my free time inbetween studying and writing playing WoW and looking at prettyboys on Y!Gallery, instead of doing useful things like cleaning the house or psoting here.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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