Mar. 24th, 2004

momijizukamori: (Default)
Mmmm, caffiened tea. Mmmm, showers. They make me feel all sentient in the morning ^^ Anyway, stuff. This Saturday was awesome, it being my birthday party and all. People came over, we played massive amounts of video games, had lots of Shirley Temples (Do you capitalize if it if's a name of a drink? I don't know...), and generally were silly and all. everyone left by eleven, except Skuld, who sat around with me in my living room until her friends came to get her around two am. We ended up talking most of the time, about practically everything, which was kinda nice, as I don't know it often face to face. (I've also decided that I'm just about the only person on my friends list who doesn't RP at _all_, but whatever ^^) Sunday...I got up around two, and basically had to go straight to work, after which I did some costume stuff. Which is largely what the rest of my week has been, aside from shadowing at Mass Academy on Monday.

And many hugs and love to Ari. Hope you feel better, and if you don't, do me the favor of getting it looked at by some, would you? Neck injuries can be nasty things, along with back injuries.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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