Jun. 7th, 2004

Baaaaa ^^

Jun. 7th, 2004 07:47 pm
momijizukamori: (OT3 >> S/S/H)
[livejournal.com profile] moonything and [livejournal.com profile] brainmuffin did it already today, and it's been a while since I made lists of cosplay stuffs.

Seishirou -
-X16 Side Story/Teenager/Tsubasa: Wasn't going to reveal this one until I actually wore it, but then realized that won't be for a while. Mara suggested it to me months and months ago, and I started it a few weeks ago when I realized I had the fabric left over from my shikifuku. Jacket mostly just needs buttons, which will be bought when I figure out what the buttons look like.
-TB Handcuffs: Because Mara and Claudia own and are going to make the greatest Subaru and Hokuto ever. It's the image on the icon, which I have loved forever and now get to do ^^

Clow- I may try to finish it for AE, if any of you Viko people are doing CCS. Actually, I may try to finish it for AE anyway, because it needs to be done ^^

Fuuma- For Winter, my Tree-san and now Kamui ^^ Unfortunately depends largely on if I can finish the other outfits on the list, and am not dead from classes. Which I probably will be x.x

Also, Mara and Claudia are very funny. Very very funny ^^
momijizukamori: (Default)
Augh. It's so pathetic how much I got into like, the last four minutes of that game. After, you know, not watching any of the other ones because I'm a lazy fuck like that. Also had to beat on little brother, as he started cheering 'Tampa! Tampa!', although this was largely because he wanted it to end so he could have the TV back. Still. ;.;

(And I'll have forgotten all about this by tomorrow - hey, I had to witness the Red Sox crashing. That was painful.)


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