Jun. 17th, 2004

momijizukamori: (Default)
*yawn* Good day today. First day of my summer vacation, and it turned out to be quite nice indeed ^^ I finished off rereading A Long, Hard Road, which has left me with the desire for more Sephiroth/Cloud (fic recs, anyone ^^?), and to actually cosplay Sephiroth (On my 'Future' list, I don't have the time, money, or talent to do it now). I also picked up a bit down here and up in my bedroom (What? You mean I have a floor? And...and a desk?! And a copy of Count Zero I thought someone returned to the library a month ago ^^?), as well as getting some of my costume stuff organized. It never really struck me how many costumes I have until I was hanging them all up in my closet - there's like...eight finished ones, and another four or five in-progress ones. Wow ^^ Also picked up an English copy of Tokyo Babylon 2 down at That's Entertainment, which was a lot better than what I was expecting to find, Fruits Basket 3 (Although I still wouldn't mind a copy of that, too. It's just TB rules over all ^^). And I've decided to be crazy and start a new FF7 game, even though it took me an eternity to finish the first time. Got through the Wallmarket cross-dressing sequence today, and actually bothered to do everything so Don Corneo would pick Cloud. Highly amusing. And now I am going to catch up on my lost sleep, as I finally can. I love summer ^^

Also, *hugs* to all mis amigos. I know things haven't been going well for a lot of you, hell, things weren't going well for me for a while. But through all of my bad moods, I still care a lot about you guys, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm a fairly good listener ^^ Here's hoping that summer brings some good with it ^^


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