Jul. 22nd, 2004

momijizukamori: (Default)
So, was looking for a particular article about future car safety features in my massive bin of back issues of PopSci and Wired, and I came across my old scrapbook. Now, people who have known me long and well enough know that I save everything. I've got a whole drawer of letters and cards I've recieved over the years, going as far back as third grade, at least. This scrapbook is about that old, although I haven't really added anything to it for the last few years.

Flipping through it, there's all of these memories, and random amusement. I've got the scripts from our 6th and 7th grade OM skits - the 7th grade one actually being exceptionally funny (the one in 6th grade was too long and got thrown out the night before the tournament). I may have to scan it or type it up or something ^^ I also have autographs from Harvey Ball, the guy who invented the smiley face, and Scratch, mascot to our never-heard-of, forgettable, almost perpetually losing, city hockey team, the Icecats.

Also, there is the final proof that I'm a shameless nerd, have always been a shameless nerd, and will always be a shameless nerd - you know, if the fact that I read both Wired and Popular Science didn't tell you that already ^^ Dunno if anyone else remembers this, or maybe they only really made a big deal of it around here, but back in the winter of '97/'98 there was that weather system known as El NiƱo making its way around, and according to me six years ago, leaving a whole lot of rain. Yes. I was enough of a science geek at age ten to go out and write down all this stuff about the storm conditions, and how much rain was falling, and how deep puddles were and such. It's all recorded on this little scrap of paper, in messy handwriting with absolutely horrific spelling.

I'm strangely proud of myself ^^


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But now...for my greatest trick...

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