Aug. 10th, 2004


Aug. 10th, 2004 03:50 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, leaving in about an hour to head over to the airport for my 7:25 flight to Vancouver ^^ I'll definately have internet access from my dad's house in Terrace, so I'll post tomorrow night when I get there, although I probably won't be on AIM or whatever much. I will call people who's area code I'll actually be in at some point tomorrow, most likely ^^

....And...I know I had something else to say, but it's early, and now I've forgotten ^^;;
momijizukamori: (Default)
Logging in from way up in Terrace ^^ Flights were uneventful, although the customs officer in Vancouver kind of scared me, by asking lots of questions and not smiling ._.

And I took a nap on a park bench outside the airport...I feel like a hobo now! Also, The Day After Tomorrow really was as bad as I thought it was. And Emily was right, it's kind of unintentionally funny ^^

Also, I am sheep ^^:
What anime/manga character do I most remind you of, and why? If you can't choose just one, feel free to put two or three. Then, post this in your journal and see what people say about you!

Actually very curious about this one, as I've got three or four characters I see a lot of myself in, and wonder if anyone else sees the same thing ^^ Will reply to everybody else's when I'm not braindead.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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